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The next morning rolled around and I was already full of excitement. I knew we were probably going to do something like yesterday so I just dressed casually and went downstairs to greet my parents.

After breakfast and my mother's lectures about me staying safe and not going out to late, I make my way out the door and head to Adam's house.
When I arrive he was already waiting for me outside. He had his bike along with swimming shorts.
"I should've given you a heads up again, but you'll need to go get your swimming shorts." He says with a half smiling, half laughing face.
"It's alright I'll go get them." I say a bit annoyed that I have to return home again.
"When you come back just meet me at the beach by our spot that we found yesterday."
"Okay then. See you soon."

After a brief walk to and from my house, I get to the beach and see Adam waiting a bit impatiently.
"There you are. I was getting kinda worried you got attacked by a kangaroo or something."
"Sorry about that." I say with an apologetic smile.
"Okay enough with the apologies, I have to show you something."
He then took me to the jetty.

I thought we were just going to sit and hang out but Adam had different ideas.

"Go over there behind that tree and change into your shorts I'll wait for you here."
"I don't know about this Adam."
"Please C'mon Troye it'll be fun."
Knowing the type of person Adam was I knew that he wasn't going to let me back out.
"Okay I'll be right back."

Turning around I go change behind a tree. Not wanting any bugs to crawl on me I quickly got dressed.
When I returned I see Adam more ready than ever.
"Ready to jump Troye?"
"Adam c'mon we can do something else better than this."
"Now I know that you are for sure younger than me. C'mon Troye take risks be excited. I'll hold your hand if you want me to."
"Okay. I trust you Adam."

Taking his hand in mine, we step back and then began running towards the Jetty. And in a blink of an eye I'm inside the water. I never felt anything like it.

After jumping off a couple times we decided to head home.

As we are walking home in some comfortable silence Adam starts to speak.
"Troye can I ask you something?"
"Sure Adam what is it?"
I can see in his face that he looks a little uneasy.

"It's about my Uncle. Yesterday when you dropped me off at my house my Uncle was there with his partner. He was a guy. At first I didn't know what that all meant. I was about to ask my Dad and Mum about it but right before I walked in I just heard my Dad yelling at them and calling them faggots. I don't even know what that meant either. All this is just one big mess right now."

Not knowing what to say I just stop and hug Adam. I felt him hug me back and that told me that I at least helped him feel somewhat better.

We just keep walking until we see Adam's house. My least favorite part of the day.
"Adam before I leave I just want to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine Troye honestly. I just really don't want to talk about it until I know what it all means."
"I understand Adam. I'm sorry."
"Don't be, it's not your fault. Well goodnight Troye. I'll see you tomorrow. And before I go I just remembered that my parents told me to tell you that we are having a Sunday Bbq at the beach. Hopefully I'll see you and your parents there tomorrow."

"Don't worry I wouldn't miss it for the world. But before I leave do I need to bring anything for tomorrow? I don't want to go back for the third time, I say jokingly.
He smiles and says, "Just bring your sword that's you have in your bedroom. My dad bought me one like yours and maybe we can play pirates tomorrow."

"Sounds fun. I'll see you tomorrow Adam. Goodnight."
"Goodnight Troye."
We give each other a nice little friendly hug and then I start to walk back home.

Completely exhausted I take a quick shower and head for bed. When I attempt to fall asleep I just keep staring at the ceiling again for the second night in a row. I wanted to think about what Adam said and what it all meant but I didn't want to go to bed sad. Instead I just was going to think about today instead. Today I found out that Adam was such a risk taker he was wild. He made me feel instantly comfortable when he held my hand right before we jumped. I also felt this little tingly sensation in my body when he did that. I didn't know what that meant, but I'm sure it was just me being scared.

After couple minutes of staring into space I finally dose off, going into a restless sleep, thinking what will tomorrow bring with another day with Adam Young.

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