t w e n t y - f i v e

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Chapter 25

I felt my phone vibrate against me waking me up from my sleep.

My heart jumps when I see that that the screen said Matt's name.


"Troye is everything alright? I haven't heard from you since last week."

I couldn't lie to another person in my life right now. I need to tell him.

"I'm not going back to New York Matt."

I can already sense the sadness as he spoke again.

"It's cause of Adam isn't it?"

"I'm sorry, but Adam told me everything. This whole time all he wanted was to protect me. He really loves me Matt."

"Troye why are you so fucking stupid right now?"

I jumped at his sudden change of tone.

"He's just playing you. He doesn't love you Troye. If he really did then he wouldn't have put you through all that pain in the first place."

"But you don't know Adam the way I do. And you have no say in the decisions that I make. It's not like we were dating anyway."

"But I was falling in love with you Troye!"

He left me speechless.

"I can't believe for a split second I thought you actually loved me back."

"Matt please...."

He cut me off.

"Just leave it Troye. It's already done. Just stay there in Perth and I'll be here in New York. It's not like you loved me anyway."

"Matt please I'm sorry!"

Matt hangs up the phone not giving me a chance to speak.

Why is it that when I finally move forward, I somehow always take giant leaps back?


I wrap a towel around my body as I get out of the shower.

I hear my phone ring from my bedroom.

Maybe it's Matt.

I rush to my bedroom and I grab my phone without even looking at the screen. I answer it.


"No it's Kayla."

I hear a familiar female voice that I haven't heard in ages.

"Kayla? Is that really you?"

"Yes Troye it's me." She tells me with a giggle.

"I thought you were staying in America for at least another year."

"I've decided to come to Perth for the holidays. And I missed seeing your face."

My body feels warm and tingly inside. I missed Kay so much.

"I was wondering if you wanted to catch up at the Café later around 1:00?"

"I would love too." I say practically yelling in excitement.

"I missed you Troye."

"I missed you more Kayla."

"I'll see you soon Troye. Goodbye."

"Later Horwitz." I say with a smile.

My day instantly got better.


I arrive at the Cafe just on time. I already see Kayla siting by the window with her coffee. She sees me and waves.

I rush inside to greet her.

"Kayla it's so good to see you!" I say as I pull her into a hug.

"It's been so long." She says with a smile.

"Here sit down, I've already ordered for you."

Kayla always knew how I preferred my coffee.

"Thanks." I say while taking a sip of the warm liquid.

"So how is America?"

"It's so great. The schooling there is definitely a little different from here, but I've managed to maintain my grades so at least I'm not failing."

"Also I've kinda sorta met someone while I was there."

"And who might this person be?" I say with a curios look on my face.

Kay smiles.

"Well his name is Mason, but we're not officially dating or anything. We've just been talking for a while and he has taken me out a couple of times."

"Well that's great Kayla. I'm glad America has been good to you."

We exchange smiles.

"Well enough about me Troye. How are you?"

"To be completely honest I'm doing fine now, but a while back I wasn't."

I tell her the story about Adam and I, the hurt he gave me, going away to New York with Matt, and also how I lied to him."

"Wow Troye. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you." She says with a look full of sorrow.

"No it's not your fault. You don't have to apologize for anything Kayla."

I give her a smile.

"But if I were you Troye, I would tell Adam the truth. The longer you wait to tell him you had sex with Matt, the harder it's going to be to fix things. And if you won't tell him he'll eventual find out and that will crush him even more Troye. Please listen to me."

She's right.

"I'll tell him tomorrow I promise."

"Thank you."

She leans over the table to hug me.

"Now, If I find out that this Adam guy hurts you again, I won't hesitate to move back to Perth. She tries to say seriously.

I let out a sigh and give her a warm smile.

Even though she was gone for almost two years, she still remained the same old Kayla.

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