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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I look to see who it is even though I'm still half asleep. Once I saw that it was Adam my heart began to race.


''Good Morning Troye. I didn't wake you did I ?''

''No, I was actually just about to go shower.'' I lie

''Well I was wondering if you would like to catch some breakfast at the coffee shop?''

Holy fuck.

''Yea sure I'll see you in an hour.''

''See you then Troye.''

We hang up and then I run to the bathroom. I take a quick shower, brush my teeth, do my hair, and made sure I was wearing the perfect outfit.

When I was finish I start to walk to the coffee shop.

When I get there I see Adam already sitting in our booth. I hope I didn't keep him waiting to long.

I walk over to him and he greets me with a warm smile. He then gets up to hug me.

Holy shit. He sure looked good as hell today.

''Hello Troye.''

''Hi Adam.''

We sit down and already begin a conversation. Talking to him was like the easiest thing in the whole world. And I Loved it.

''So Troye, there is something that I need to talk to you about.''

"I hope this is good." I say inside my head.

''Well we've been seeing each other for a while now and We have kissed on multiple occasions. So, I was wondering if you wanted to seal the deal. Troye Mellet, would you do the pleasure of being my boyfriend?''

I'm fucking speechless.

But I clear my throat and give him a response.

''I would Love to be your boyfriend Adam.''

He smiles at me and leans over the table. He goes in for a kiss, and I kiss him back instantly.

We just continue to kiss until our waiter comes to our table.

''What can I get you boys today?''
We break apart and look up at the waiter. I can feel my face turn red.

"Yes I'll just have some coffee please."
I would have gotten some breakfast but I needed to get out of here as soon as possible. I just want to be alone with Adam.

"I'll have the same too." Adam says with a smirk on his face.
The waiter leaves and comes back again with our coffee.

Me and Adam drink our coffee and continue into conversation. A couple times I could feel his leg slide up mine. And I honestly didn't mind at all.

After we finish, Adam and I walk outside. He slides his hand into mine. I immediately got goose bumps up my entire arm.
"Troye since I obviously didn't have to work today, and right now it's really quite at my house with my dad at work and everything so, do you want to come over ? We could watch Netflix and just listen to music if you'd like?"

He was literally asking me to go over at his house with no one around. I couldn't pass on an opportunity like that.

"Sure sounds fun, but I'll have to ride with you I didn't bring my car."

"Okay that fine let's go then."
We walk to the car and he opens the door for me. I blush at his kindness.

We start to drive around until a familiar song comes on the radio. It was ILYSB by Lany. I LOVE them.

"Oh.my.gosh I love this song. Adam c'mon let's sing."
"That's the spirit Troye. Okay in 3....2.....1."

"Ain't never felt this way
Can't get enough so stay with me
It's not like we got big plans
Let's drive around town holding hands

And you need to know
You're the only one, alright... alright
And you need to know
That you keep me up all night, all night

Oh, my heart hurts so good
I love you, baby, so bad, so bad
Oh, oh my heart hurts so good
I love you, baby, so bad, so bad

Mad cool in all my clothes
Mad warm when you get close...to me
Slow dance these summer nights
Our disco ball's my kitchen light

And you need to know
That nobody could take your place, your place
And you need to know
That I'm hella obsessed with your face, your face

Oh, my heart hurts so good
I love you, baby, so bad, so bad
Oh, oh my heart hurts so good
I love you, baby, so bad, so bad

And you need to know
You're the only one--alright, alright
And you need to know
That you keep me up all night, all night

My heart hurts so good
I love you, baby, so bad, so bad
Oh, oh my heart hurts so good
I love you, baby, so bad, so bad...oh
So bad, oh
Oh, my heart hurt...
Oh, my heart hurt...
Oh, my heart hurt...
So bad.... Oh"

We pretty much just yelled instead of sang, but it was still so fun.
"That's our song now Troye. Every time you hear just think of this beautiful moment."
When he said that it just hit me in my fucking feels.
"Okay. That sounds amazing Adam."
He leans in to kiss me even though we were still driving. He lets go and locks his hand in mine.

I'm starting to think that I maybe do really like him. I think I could be falling in Love with him.

A couple minutes later we pull into his driveway and unbuckle our seat belts.
We get out and head to the door. Once we walk into his bedroom he closes the door. He wasn't lying when he said that no one was home. All I know is now we are in his bedroom alone with the door closed.

I'm in for a wild ride.

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