s i x t e e n

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Matt and I both exit the airport and get ready to call a cab.

I turn my phone off of airplane mode, and I immediately get loads of notifications. Both from Instagram and Adam.

I check Instagram first and of course it was people commenting on my recent picture,

"Are you guys dating?"

"Who is that?"

"Why didn't you tell us you had a boyfriend?"

There where a couple ones that commented,




But most of them where just asking about my relationship status.

I mean it's not like I can tell people I'm dating Matt. We still haven't even had that type of conversation yet.

Who knows? Maybe someday we will.

At least I hope so.

I continue to scroll through my feed until I reach upon this.....

"The voices in my head made me do it. 📏"

It was Adam.

'Why would he do this?'

'Is it because of me?'

'I bet I'm the one who caused this.'

I get out of Instagram and immediately call Adam.

It seemed like the phone was ringing for an eternity, until Adam finally answered.


I can't speak.


I can't bring myself to say anything.

'What if this was just another of his lies?'

'What if he was only doing this so I can give him attention?'

"Troye are you there?!"

As much as I didn't want to, I hang up.

I couldn't keep doing this to myself.

I have to let go.

I have to say goodbye to Adam.

I have to say goodbye to Blue Neighbourhood.

"Troye the cab is here."


Matt opens the cab door for me and we enter the car.

"Where to sir?" Asked the cab driver.

"205 Venice Ave."

"Yes sir."

"Where's that at Matt.?"

"My old friends house. They're letting us crash at their place. Is that okay with you?"

"Yea, that's totally fine."

"Great." He smiles at me and he reaches for my hand and places it in his.

"You know Troye, my friends actually invited us to a party tonight. It's at 7:00 and I think it would be good if we both got out for a while. What do you say?"

"I'd love to."

This time it was my turn to catch him off guard.

I lean in and kiss him.

After he lets go he tells me, "You make me happy Troye."

"You make me happy too Matt."

And with that I lay my head on his shoulder and keep my hand locked into his.

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