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          s e v e n t h 

The early morning sun was almost nonexistent, and while the scenic beauty by the beach was beyond comparison, Remy had to wonder which fool on Earth would voluntarily subject themselves to waking at five in the morning. Even if it was for livelihood and the like, as he shrugged on a t-shirt sleepily, he had to judge himself on the matter. Getting cut off was one thing, pissing off his mother to the point of getting cut off was another. Having to beg Athenia for this one chance, though, was everything that questioned his sanity.

Eddie wasn't awake to say the words, so he simply said them to himself.

"I've officially lost it."

His phone sat tucked in his shorts as he drove into campus and parked. Athenia sat outside the library, just as she promised, on the tall steps he so quickly passed without another thought. Usually they didn't bother him so much. Today, without a morsel of food in his stomach, he wished something would cushion his fall into oblivion while he fainted.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this." Athenia told him as he approached her sleepily.

"Remind me why, again?"

"Because you wanted to keep this a secret from your fan girls."

"Oh," he pointed one finger at her. "that. Yes. Fan girls. A love life. A social life, actually. That's why I'm doing this. Thanks for that."

Athenia couldn't have cared lesser, because she looked like she could be skinning potatoes and feeling more at place than how she felt right then. "Let's go."

"Any pointers?"

"Yeah," she nodded at him in all seriousness. "don't take the job if you clear the interview."

"Ha ha. Funny. You say it like I have a choice."

"Don't you?"

"When I have a choice, I don't beg the librarian to let me fill the librarian's assistant post for the academic year."

She shrugged before rounding the corner and climbing the stairs to the first floor, then the second. "You know," she started somewhere between the two floors. "you could always apologize to your mother."

Remy walked each step slower than the one before. "You'd think my shrink of a mother would be easy to handle, but she's seen through my apologies. I'll have to wait for her to come to me."

"That you tried to manipulate your own mother is something..." she trailed off. "Something, indeed."

"Judge all you want."

"Oh, I will." She agreed. "I absolutely will."

"You know what? It doesn't matter. Judge all you want." He told her with his hands to his hips, shaking his head at her as they neared the admin's office. "I'll put on this face, and these eyes," he batted his eyelashes at her. "and he will fall in love with me."

"I didn't know you... drove your car on that side of the road."

"It's a job. I need this job. I might be an asshole for saying that, and you might think less of me for being so desperate for a job that pays one-tenth my monthly salary," he nodded furtively at that statement, as if to answer an unasked question. "yes, my lady, that little. That little, and I'll bend backwards and forwards for you."

He expected her to say something apart from shaking her head with muffled laughter. 

"I don't know how I'm going to cough up next month's rent already," he told her as he rubbed his head nervously. "tell me how to win this guy over. Which reminds me, who comes to campus this early?"

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