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reasons that
t h i r teen

Remy liked mint toothpaste that had green stripes, minty fresh vanilla smelling shampoo and perfectly white bars of soaps. Over the week Athenia learnt that it didn’t really matter what brand any of these items were, and that there were other things her new roommate liked to go anal over, but none of that was going on in her head right then. As the sun set slowly into an inky blue abyss, Remy’s head bobbed over the tops of the shelves, probably listening to music as he put away the returned books for the day. Watching him now, she merely wondered what it would have been like to have someone else be her assistant, it their relationship was in the least bit strange, and if it was, should she be worried?


His voice had her jumping. “Yeah?”

“I need some help up here. It looks like this kid’s brought in a late return.”

Leaning to the left so to pretend to care, she let her voice take a volume louder than usual. “Okay, bring it here.”

“Take it, will you? I’m going to go over the other books, now.”

Sighing as the chair screeched against the marble floors, she walked over to Remy on her one inch heels, black as day, observing her nails and mentally making a note to paint them before she went to bed. From this angle, they looked absolutely hideous. “Okay, hand it over.”

“Can’t believe that went over your head today.”

“Cut me some slack. It isn’t exactly as if I did it on purpose.”

He smiled slyly, a lopsided one that she was mighty familiar with. “If the roles were reversed, you’d be eating me for dinner.” Turning away, his feet shifted on the ladder, giving her a scare. “Speaking of which, what do you want?”

“Something sinful. Bring cheese.”


“And pasta, lasagne. I don’t really care.”


When she returned to her desk, she wondered what Remy had in mind for dinner. She also wondered if this arrangement was as easy for him as it was for her.

She hoped it was, because if not, it would be really hard finding herself another assistant.

She tried not to let it bother her that the apartment would be a solid quiet studio once again, a thought that would have appeased her weeks ago, but not anymore.

"Where the hell were you?" 

Their days, while spent together, had little to do with their nights. When it came to a transition point, their relationship clearly changing, Athenia decided to leave Remy in charge every alternate night. During that time, from seven to ten, she did those girly things she had no time for when Remy was around. Spinning around her apartment, walking around naked after taking a much needed long, exhausting, turned-her-skin-red shower, reading books on the couch while she ate (she didn’t do this anymore to simply set an example) and so much more. Last night, she gave herself a pedicure. Tonight, she went out alone, simply to gaze at black skies and sparkling stars, wandering off in no general direction.

Till she remembered she needed bread. And eggs. And butter, too.

Added to the list of things Remy loved was butter. Boy, did the boy wolf down butter like no one’s business.

Sighing, she dropped her bags to the ground, wishing she had gotten herself a car and a license when she could have. Now, she couldn’t care enough to. Plus she wasn’t technically a citizen just yet, which put her in a difficult situation. "I was out buying groceries. Why are you standing out here?"

Remy slapped himself in the face. "Oh yeah, that's right. I could've been sitting inside! Damn it, Remy. Why weren't you born with Athenia's smarts?"

Rolling her eyes, she dug around the bag for her keys. "It's not my fault you run out of the house in the morning like an idiot without keys."

"Hey, maybe if you got a damned cell phone, we could, I don't know, freaking have a way to communicate!"

"We live together!" she turned to tell him on the stairwell. "And unless you're planning on adopting me, Rem, you don't need to communicate with me. Stick to your couch, I'll stick to the bed."

"Sounds fantastic, Holmes. Just one question. How do people reach you when you're gone gallivanting along the countryside buying tacos for dinner, thank you for that," he kissed her cheek as she opened the door. "And some other items I don't care about. Feed me. Now."

"We have an answering machine, don't we? If they can't reach me there, they can't reach me anywhere."

Remy bothered only about his taco after that, patting next to him. "Sit. Let's play."

"What're we playing?"


"Sounds fun," she moaned just a little after the first bite, handing him a tissue. "I haven’t eaten a thing since breakfast. And please don't drop."

"I won't drop."

"You always drop. Let's accept it and move on to tissues, please? It'll make us all better people."

"You mean it'll make you a better person, since you won’t be screeching like an old cat lady at me."

"Sure," she told him as she walked over to the kitchen, the phone blinking red as she walked by it. Curious, she pressed play.


"Ath, I'm going to fucking kill you."


"Next message."

"Ath, I'm buying you a fucking phone for Christmas even if you die because of it. I don't care if small birds die due to the radiations or if you think the LCD screen hurts your eyes, or that you're freaking too insane to buy one. You're buying one. I'm buying you one. You can go to-- Where the hell were you?"

Athenia looked over at the boy setting up the x-box then.

"You're insane."

"Right back at you, beautiful. Now get your ass here."

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