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Eddie didn't really knock at his door at two in the morning, but Remy had had a late shift at the library and then spent some time with the librarian, aka his boss, sorting through old micro films of all sorts. Before they knew it, they were ordering in chinese food from Mr. Wang's so they wouldn't starve when they'd leave.

"I didn't know you'd like this or I'd have shown you this stuff before."

Remy shrugged as he openly ogled one microfilm in particular, the one with the bikini models. "Why'd you get into this anyway?"

"Oh, one semester in college I decided to do some research for my then librarian," she smiled in that way that told him she'd put all of her heart into it. "The man was despicable to work with, but I learned many things."


"Did you know the first x-rated magazine microfilm came out in the 1960's?" she nodded to herself as she hummed some tune, one he'd heard many times working for her in the past three weeks. "We got to discover many things together. It was fun being the assistant."

"I see that's where you picked up your exceptional skills as a librarian's assistant's boss."

A laugh escaped her as they crouched on the floor, right when a student came upto them.

"Oh, sorry." She told them. "I didn't know you were busy."

She eyed them, then Remy. "I know you."

Remy pointed to himself. "You do?"

"You're dating Tash." She then eyed Athenia. "I didn't think you were seeing someone else."

At this point he had his hands on Athenia's shoulders as they peeked into the same laptop. His, to be exact. "I'm not."



Athenia smiled and kicked into gear sometime after that. "Would you like something issued?"

"Just this book." She was blonde with pale grey eyes and abnormally weird teeth. Athenia had left his side then to do the girl her deed before returning to him, smelling of old books, soap and something else.

"A little birdie told me you've been cheating on our girl Tash."

Remy hadn't really returned from his evening at the library. Somehow, he was still stuck in old microfilms and many, many words that flowed from him to Athenia and back. As much as he'd never really cared what he ended up becoming, he wondered exactly when he had decided that law wasn't the wrong choice for him. Acknowledging his roommate then, his dark form further inconspicuous thanks to the lack of lighting, made him wonder if his tone had been rather ominous, as well.

"Tash had some secrets to spill tonight."

"Did she?"

"Tamara and you been hooking up behind my back?"

"What?" Remy wanted to bang his head. This was what happened when you got drunk and got felt up in some dark, dingy pub by your roommate's girlfriend. What was he supposed to do, push her away? Well, that's what had happened ultimately but that didn't exactly show how north his moral compass pointed. "That's bullshit she's feeding you. Tash is just mad that I haven't been around fuelling her ego."

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