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thirty days 

              and 7 nights

before B Day

Remy called her nonstop.

"I can't take this, Rem... it's too much!"

He lay back down on the bed, hoping her voicemail message would say something to him.

"It's the phone I promised."

"It's too much!"

"Hello. This is Athenia. Leave a message."

It made him smile, just hearing her voice. Sitting on the bed now, he wondered how long he could go without seeing her. Maddie had made it clear she would contact him when she was ready... but what did she have to be ready about? It wasn't as if he cared where she was from, or what she was.

"You either take it, or I shove it so far under that tree that you'll never find it again."

A month. 

A very long, very exhausting, long month had passed since Athenia had left. He found himself watching the news constantly for some trace of her, but apart from that one speech she'd made in an unbelievably beautiful silk dress, a dress he'd never thought he'd see his roommate... ex-roommate in, as she spoke in a language she was clearly far more fluent in than English, there was no sign of her anywhere. Those French people really knew how to keep secrets, didn't they?

He was really dull, wasn't he?

She wore minimum make up, and her skin looked pale, even if by expression she appeared calm. 

She was anything but calm, and Remy knew that by simply watching a television broadcast.

His mother had called twice. While he knew he should tell her something, he barely cared enough to do anything but keep the line free, in case Athenia called. 

What if she forgot his cell number, though? She only had it on her cell... the one she'd left behind. 

"Remy? Call me. I'm worried."

Remy had never missed anyone like this. It had been so long since he'd last seen her that he was sure he wouldn't recognize her if he saw her again.

What was to say that she would recognize him?

It was like everything was as it was, only now there was a huge hole, a gap in the place where Athenia was. No one seemed to notice Remy anymore, not that they ever did, but it was more like he’d just faded out. In class he barely paid attention, and was on the verge of thinking about dropping out of the assistant to the librarian job.

“I need you for now. You can quit when we have a replacement.”

“Which will be...”

“In the coming week, I promise.”

Even putting away books seemed like a task he’d somehow managed to taint with Athenia. It was like living on the edge of a cliff, waiting for her to come back, only somehow, he was sure there was no going back from here. It wasn’t as if he could support her with the few bucks he did make at the library, and he knew he’d hate working with his father when the time came... but that’s what it’d have to be, wouldn’t it? He’d have to work with him.

For that, of course, the love of his life would have to call him, mail him, write him a letter, for all he cared, but she’d have to get in touch with him somehow.

He’d have to hope that this didn’t mean the end for them.

He’d walk the plank if it meant having Athenia back.

Of course, it would cost him. Everything always costs him. He hoped it was a price he could pay, the price to have Athenia back.

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