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how many of what must we count 

to make twenty four?

"Do you want Chinese for dinner?"

"I'm sick of Chinese, Ath."

"How about you be picky about what underwear you wear and just inhale your food, like you usually do," she told him as she picked up her bag and made to walk out of the library. "Lock up after me. I'll be home in an hour."

"Where're you going?"

"Out to meet Big Bird and the gang. He's wondering if you'd like bird seed for dinner, by the way,"

"Tell him I'd rather eat him."

"I'll do that."

The smile he had on his face even after she left told him the things he needed to reassure himself with. That he could settle with being just friends. That life didn't stop with that shiver that ran down his spine whenever she stood too close. So long as she spoke to him, wanted to be with him, he was going to be fine.

The walk home was short, but needed. The air was cold now, as was expected for winter. He had a week before finals started. One week, and lord knew he had a butt load of shit to do before that, not to mention the studying he had to get done.

Remy sat on the bed, got comfortable and started studying for the long tiring set of exams he had, trying to ignore the fact that he'd have to take the bar the coming year. He hoped Athenia knew a thing or two about tutoring. Well, if not, that she'd at least sit on his ass till he got to work.

She was a good nag, so he figured that the plan was a good one.

"So," she said as she entered the apartment. "We didn't get Big Bird, but we got chicken and rice. Chicken's good, right?" 

"I'm so fucking screwed."

"What? Why?"

"Because I have a butt load of shit to fucking do."

"Why didn't you do it until now?"

"Really, Ath? Do you want to rub it in?"

"So you accept you're tardy then?"

"Tardier than a turtle. Can you please," he whined as she got closer to the bed. "Please, please, help me."

"I don't know how to help you!"

"Just... read this and tell me if it makes sense."



"I'm going to kill you in your sleep tonight."

"I'm hoping you do, Ath. I'm hoping to God you do."

Sometime around three in the morning, the two of them settled snugly against each other, Remy had realized that Athenia had fallen asleep, with books on her lap and her head half against the headboard, half against him. Not having the heart to wake her, he continued studying for an hour more before his eyes closed and his body relaxed, finally.

At four, when the alarm rang, Remy slept right through the shrill irritating buzz of life. Athenia woke, shut it off and stretched just a little when she felt the arm around her torso, crushing her in an almost painful way. 

Four months ago, when the boy next to her meant nothing, she would've killed him. For falling asleep on her bed on her day of the week, and also to do him a favour.

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