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Twenty s i x hundred,

              but what the hell?

"We will," he spoke to her as he ran his hands along the length of her spine. "Go out tonight. I don't care if the library falls without you, I don't care if I fail today."

"Don't say such things. You're not going to fail."

"I just might, Ath," he kissed her lips then, tasting all things chocolate and mint. "Oh, God."

"What?" she giggled.

"You're giggling. You're here. You're letting me kiss you. I still can't believe it."

"It's been a week. I suggest you believe it."

"Last exam. Come home and do all those girly things and be ready by seven," he kissed her cheek then. "I'll see you then."

Just as he walked away, he walked right back. "Is it stupid that I don't want to leave?"

"I don't want you to leave."

"God, you're kissing me. I might just die of a stroke."

"Go!" She kissed him one last time before shoving him out of the library. 

As careless as she usually was with clothing, she had one dress she knew she'd stored for something important. It wasn't much, but she knew today wasn't the day to wonder if she was overdressing.

Without Maddie, she had barely anything to fuss about. Her make up was plain, her hair was tied into an usual but pretty enough bun, and her shoes were flat and easy. 

When Remy came in, he ran into the bathroom and came out in exactly six minutes, smelling of soap and shampoo. 

"Close your eyes."

And that was how she was for maybe an hour. It could've been an eternity like that. Remy refused to give away anything.

"I'm fearing for my life," she told him as he finally stopped the car. "And is that the ocean I smell?"

"You and your smells. Keep those beautiful eyes closed."

With the sun already set, the lights Remy had arranged around the small table and chairs was so very charming. She wasn't sure how many times she'd have a man do this for her, and for her alone, but she suspected this was Remy's first time performing the grand gesture as it was her first time receiving it.

"Here," he handed her a coat. "You're going to freeze, but it'll be worth it."

"What about you?"

"I'm going to love freezing like never before." 

She could barely keep her dinner down, nor did she notice what the man before her wore. Dessert was sweet tiramisu, and he insisted they feed each other. For some reason it struck her that even the act of using a spoon to place food in someone else's mouth was new for him.

"We'll spend the night at Maddie's place, of course," he told her as they walked down the beach somewhere close to one in the night. The subtle crashing of waves sounded like music to her ears, along with his words in her ear. "And I have to tell you, the first thing on my list is to mess up that bun."


"Oh, yeah. Pull out your hair and kiss you like a mad man."

"Well, what's stopping you?"

They stilled then, the water up to their calves as he spoke to her in whispered tones, his breath against her ears as he caressed her arms and held her hands.

"I don't know, Ath. I've waited for this for so long. I don't want to ruin it. I don't want to rush it. I don't ever want to lose it."

The way her eyes stung at that was so bittersweet, his words echoing exactly what she had going on her mind. 

How could he feel the same way? she asked herself as he splashed water on her only pefect peach dress. And how is it that their first date had been such a disaster as compared to the second one... this one?

"Maybe because I'm not being my usual self?"

"You mean your usual donkey-like self, where you flirt too much and smirk like Flynn Rider?"

"I have no idea who that is, but I think I need to kiss you now. You're talking too much."

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