!!!!Everything goes wrong!!!!

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Aphmau and Aaron Went for a walk in the park  Aphmau asked "Aaron, why do you love me?" " Because Aphmau, Your Sweet and Kind and Mostly Beautiful!" Aaron answered. Aphmau blushed more like a flame blushes! Aaron Kissed her out of nowhere and Lucinda and Michi Watched. Michi ran up to Aaron and  Kissed him Aaron just went with it and Made out with her. Lucinda was so star struck  that she couldn't even move. Aphmau  ran home crying. Dante Nicole and Katelyn Saw her running and Crying to Aaron's house (Her house too) Aphmau ran in and slammed the door behind her! She also locked it. Dante used punchies and Nicole  used her iron fist and Katelyn used her Fire Fist. Of course Dante did nothing But Nicole and Katelyn  did. Aphmau was in Aarons/ Her room and sobbed. Nicole Dante and Katelyn heard her and Ran up to the room. "Aphmau!" They all screamed. Aphmau kept crying. " Aphmau, What happened if you don't mind me aski-" "GO AWAY!" Aphmau Screamed crying. " Aphmau.... This isn't like you..." Katelyn said. 'WELL THAN GO TELL AARON THAT THEN !!!!!" Aphmau Screamed. " IT WAS HIM WASN'T IT WHEN I SEE HIM, OOOO HE'LL WISH HE NEVER DID THAT TO YO-" "KATELYN *she continues  crying*!" Aphmau screamed while crying. "S-S-Sorry....." Katelyn said letting out a tear. *Katelyn  leaves the room* " Well that was uncalled for..." Dante said something finally. " How about you all leave? Yeah that's a great idea!" Aphmau said.

                                                                    "They all go to Aaron except Aphmau"

Michi and Aaron were still making out " No wonder Aphmau got upset he was cheating on her"  Katelyn thought. " Hey! Nimrod! Why would you do that to Aphmau Huh?" Katelyn screamed across the whole entire park. Everybody stopped what they were doing and Looked at them Katelyn Nicole Dante Michi  Aaron and Lucinda (For some reason they looked at Lucinda)  " Oh hey guys!" Aaron said happily. " Why are you happy Aphmau literally ran home crying and your happy What kind of boyfriend are you?" Katelyn asked sarcastically. " Wait, but she's right her- GAAA MICHI!" Aaron screamed Surprisingly. *Michi smiles and waves then Poof gone*  Aaron runs home but it's to late Aphmau left the street and Moved away that quick. "I-I'm to late... sh-sh-shes gone..." Aaron mumbled and  Let out a few tears down his face...

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