The Little Boy!!!!!

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Aphmau and Aaron finished building the home for the night and Aphmau  went to bed but got a knock on her door and She opened it and in a basket laying there in a basket was a little boy right beside him was a name tag it said "Levin" Aphmau took him in and Told Aaron in the morning. When it was sunrise Aaron asked about the  little boy Aphmau replied " Well, last night there was a knock on the door, I opened it and There was a little boy in side the basket and a name tag beside him it said "Levin" So I took him in and here we are" Aaron was so surprised he looked at Aphmau and said these exact words," Aphmau , promise me that you will not get rid of any child you or I find promise me." Aphmau promised him and all was fine in till the next day.

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