I love you

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Aphmau's POV:
He's alive, Aaron is alive? How is this possible I killed him. I killed Shad, 😭😭😭😭😭😳😳😳😳😳 I really don't wanna ask him any questions right now. I walked up to them and I said that we have to go because it was getting late and Lilith nearly fell asleep on his lap. When I walked away I heard tears and foot steps. It was him. He was following me and Lilith and I ran faster and then I snucked into the woods. A wolf was chasing after me so I his and it found me It bit my leg and Almost bit my hand off until he jumped in front of Me an stared the qold down so It could leave. Lilith was on his back and he walked me toward the campsite near Aaron's grave. He bandaged up my leg and started asking me questions about who I was and where I was from and what I do for a living, some of those questions I couldn't answer because they really were hard for me to answer because I didn't seem to see in the past. Her asked me if I had powers and a second name, I said yes to powers and I said my second name was Irene. He looked at me and turned away, ''hey, you okay?!''I tapped on his shoulder ,asking. ''Yeah, I knew someone named Irene she had powers of good and she was beautiful just like you.'' At tgisnmoment he knew who I was really, and I knew who he was, I said my name and he said both of his names, ''My name is Aaron aka Shad the lord of chaos.'' He looked into my eyes and I looked into his and we stopped and paused and we both said.,'' I love you<3!!''

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