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Dante's POV:

Where is Lord Aphmau? Is she still at the Phoenix Alliance island? "Dante!! We have an issue! Zoey, Aaron, and Aphmau, are all missing. They should have been back by now, Zoey went missing not to long ago, witnesses said that. I don't know what woods because she heard screaming and yelling. Should we go check it out?" Emmalyn ran up to me and asked. "Yes we definitely should go see what happened to Zoey and see you have Links to Aphmau and Aarons disappearance. Gather up to guards and especially Kenmur and you! Hurry!!" I said, I saw a cloaked guy walking on the pathway. He seemed to be walking fast I grabbed his shoulder, "Who are you?" I asked. "Please let go, Aphmau and I trouble!" Cloaked man said, "Who are you?!" I asked. He took his cloak off the reveal that he was a meif'wa, "its me, Kai! Now let me go! Aph is in trouble!!!" Kai said. I followed Kai into the woods. "Over here!" Kai said, as he ran over to a cave, "what is t-" "Shh, they are arguing! Be as quiet as you can" Kai said. He looked down at a two corpses. "Grab the one on top, I will take care of the one on the bottom." kai said. I could tell me was being serious. I looked at the two corpses, they looked like Zoey and Aphm-, ZOEY AND APHMAU?! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! "" I said. I looked up at Kai, he looked down at me. "Take the top one off.." he said to me Again. I took Zoey off of Aph. I looked at Aph. The knife in her chest was huge and unsatisfying. I feel like we already lost her...

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