Mystery Guy

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Aphmau's POV:

I ran away from Zane and got away and I found someone. He looked familiar and I couldn't place my finger on it. I asked him his name and he RAN and I mean RAN REALLY FAST. He ran all the way to Aaron's grave and disappeared? How is that even possible. But he dropped something when he ran. I looked like me Aaron and Lilith. Why would that guy have this? This is creepy. I took the picture and used it as a lure to make the guy come after it.  I waited for what seemed like forever, But he finally came and I sneak attacked him and took his Hood off. I only got to see his Hair and that was it. His hair was Black and it looked a lot like Aaron's hair, But that's impossible Aaron's gone. Something was up but I didn't know what. I asked the guy for his name. He said "Aar-er um Chadon! Yep  Chadon (Shad-on)!!" Chadon nervously said. Yep somethings definitely up. " Hm.... Okay mister Quote on quote Chadon, Here's a picture can you tell me if you REMEMBER this picture from somewhere?" I asked demanding. When I ask that Lilith comes over and screams, "<3~DAD~<3" I was so confused but then I realized he was crying at the picture and at Lilith_Garnet. I questioned him and then he just stood there  frozen. Then out of no Where  he runs once more. I dont know what was wrong with him, i think some things are best left alone for now. But then i saw the door open and close 2 minutes later then i noticed Lilith  was missing. I panicee but then I realized Lilith chased after that guy and kept screaming Daddy. I ran after them. They lead me straight to the crater from the explosion. I saw a black bandanna on the ground followed by a black and red jacket, it looked like Aaron's  jacket but the gray is replaced with Red. I saw the guy next to Lilith sitting by the crater, playing with Lilith's toys. The black hair got even more familiar and the face looked EXACTLY like Aaron's
Face. Lilith hugged him then I noticed it was him...

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