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Zane's POV:
I walked away from Aphmau again only to see her cry once more. Where I had Aaron was a secret and I couldn't tell her. I walked toward a cave, "YOU!" Aaron yelled. I just entered the cave and I get this? "Aaron, Aaron. You remember what happened with Ein back then? When he mind controlled everybody you loved as family, such as Lucinda, Me, and APHMAU!? HUH, well if you don't SHUT UP! I will make you live that part of your life again!" I Threatened. "You wouldn't Dare, do that to her!" Aaron said. "Well maybe I should, but that is just a thought. Maybe I could push you off of a cliff like APHMAU DID! Or Maybe even worse, Torture.You.Until.Aphmau.Cries. I will make one of you Suffer! You will see!" I threatened once more. I looked toward the entrance of the cave. I walked toward it. "What is your plan now Zane..!" Aaron asked very loudly. I turned around very fast looking at him, "SILENCE!" I yelled. I turned back toward the entrance of the cave, looking out toward the forest. I see Aphmau wandering around. "Oh Aphmau, Babe, come here!!!" I did my best impression of Aaron. I hid next to the cave entrance.

Aphmau's POV:

I heard Aaron yell my name, it sounded like it was coming  toward this cave.

Zane's POV: Aphmau walks into the cave and I jump out from behind the boxes and stabbed her in the neck. I look over to Aaron. "_w-w-why Zane....?" Aaron started tearing up. But I wasn't finished with my plan yet. I dragged Aphmau up the mountain which the cave was under. When I got on top of the hill Aphmau was trying to get up, shaking and bloody. Looks like she was struggling, I walked up behind her and pushed her off of the tall mountain! It was a long fall.

Aaron's POV:

why Zane....I heard a thump outside of the cave! DID HE PUSH HER OFF! I looked at the entrance of the cave to see blood flowing toward the cage I am stuck in. Did he kill her... "ZANE LET ME OUT OF HERE!!! NOW!" I yelled and yelled, no response.

Zoey's POV (wasn't expecting that, eh?):

I heard yelling come from the woods,I went to go investigate it. The screaming was Coming from a cave? So I walked toward the cave and saw Aphmau on the ground, her neck was stabbed and she had blood an bruises all over her. I needed help. "Aphmau! Aphmau! Can you here me?Please don't die, the Village needs you!! Aphmau please!!" I started crying. It was no use.,she wouldn't wake up.... I heard screaming come from the cave again. I quickly wiped my tears away and walked in. I saw Aaron in a cage, "Aaron..what happened?" I asked. Me and Aaron stared at each other intensely. "Zane." He said. I get shocked. "Where is he?!" I asked again. "Go to the top of this Mountain. " Aaron said. I can tell he was crying, under his eyes were red and the look on his face said so. When I left the cave I could here him cry, I felt bad. But I quickly teleported to the top of the mountain. "Well, well, well. Another person I can push off the cliff! Hehe, you will learn." He said as he spreads his wings and fly's into the air star in down at me. "NOW DIE!" He yelled. He shot lighting bolts at me and poison at me. I knew I was gonna die but I couldn't give up now. Then I looked up and a lightning bolt Struck My eyes and made me blind to where I tumbled backwards and fell off of the cliff. This was the end of my Legacy.

Aphmau's POV (I know, she is dead! But hehe you'll see) :

*grunts* huh? I try the get up but the knife in my neck would let me. I should be dead. The knife went through my neck and into the ground..I am gonna be dead in a matter of minutes. What have I become...a weakling...I guess. I have nothing to live for. I open my eyes. To see a ceiling? But how? The knife was huge, I still couldn't get up, someone walked in as I closed my eyes. "Hello Aphmau."

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