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"Follow me my dear :]!" Zane teased... We walked down a narrow path way in the dark forest. I became more scared. "Ms. Aphmau, remember when you told me to call of the war and if I did you'd marry me?" Zane asked. "Yesss...don't Tell me.!!!" I realized. "So when am I gonna get married to you then?!" Zane asked once more. I didn't answer, I am still Married to Aaron and I just got him back after..never mind. But I can't lose him again! Zane stayed silent, until something kept screaming my name 'Aphmau, Aphmau!!' Is what I heard but once it started screaming Zane tried talking over it. "Can you answer my question?!!?!!?" Zane tried as hard as he could just to make Me realize there was no more screaming. But every time he tried to talk over that voice it would get louder and louder! "Zane..what is that voice? And why is it screaming my name?" I asked, like I'd get an answer out of him -.-.

"It's nothing.!!" He snapped.
The thing kept screaming until I realized it was Aaron's voice!!
"AARON I AM COMING!!" I Screamed. Zane overheard me and started to run toward the voice. I almost grabbed his scarf but he then started to fly. I couldn't because I gave up my powers to him. I kept running until I heard the screaming stop. I think he ran off.. Or they are talking. I have no court, but I have to find Aaron, or at least contact somebody who can help me find him. Why am I so dumb, I give up my powers just to be alone and not Care about helping and curing people in the village. But why Did I pick Zane of all people. I looked in distance and saw zane walking toward me with blood stains all over him. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I screamed. He just sat there and laughed. "You won't be seeing Aaron again, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" HE LAUGHED UN CONTROLLABLY

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