Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Cherish  what you have or it'll  be forgotten

Aarons POV:

Shad, the other side of me, convinces Zane to let me out of the cage. As soon as Zane unlocks the cage I punch him in the throat and knock him out. I ran as fast as I could outside of the cave. I see Dante and a Orange haired Meif'wa, moarning over Aphmau's death. Then it came to me

'Some of you as the Ultima can be used for good but other parts can be very dangerous for those all around you. If you are able to control your emotions you will heal the wounded, if you arent able to control them, you will not receive a good result in which you wanted, Aaron.'  Thinking about what my Father said to me as a child reminded me that I can grow stronger as a person. I can heal Aph, but it would take awhile for me to control my emotions. I looked over at Dante still tearing up  over her death, he doesn't know about my Ultima form. Great, he shouldn't know. I don't want any gossip around the village. I slowly calm down by breathing in and out, and place my hands on Aph's wound. I try as hard as I could to heal her, but there was no use. I hear Zoey gasp for air as she wakes up from her fall. "W-what happened?!" Zoey said, she woke up. This means that Aph could wake up too! "Hello? Anyone there? I am Blind so I don't know if I am talking to somebody." Zoey exclaimed. I continue to try and heal Aph, while the meif'wa took care of Zoey. Everytime i try to heal, i fail over and over again! URGHH!!! WHY CANT IT BE SIMPLE! I NEED HER BACK, SHE CAN NOT DIE LIKE THIS, THIS ISN'T RIGHT!!!! I NEED to calm down, I need Lucinda here, but no one has heard from her in weeks! I hope she comes back soon....

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