Is this the end?

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So I have been avoiding this story for a couple of months now and I know some of you guys like this story and you want more. Well i am truly sorry, it's been hard because I have 2 MCD/MYstreet storys and they both are kind of related. 

This is not the end of Aaron X Aphmau, but however there are some majer changes happening to this story. First, Aaron will still be in this story but all of your favorite characters, Zoey, Lilith, Levin, and dante will not be in this story anymore, I'm sorry about that but there is gonna be a important story line without them. But here is a quick little paragraph I put together for the important part. If you don't want spoliers then skip this part but if you do then here you go:

Aphmau's POV: 

I woke up in the forest with noises moving back and forth throughout the tree's. I Saw Aaron, He was looking upset and he was cooking rabbit.

"So how was your sleep?" Aaron asked. I was looking into space and I shot back to reality. I started blushing. "Uh.. It was good...I guess.." I really didnt know what to say. It was very awkward last night. I don't even know why I'm out here. Then I heard Aaron go into the woods, 'I'll be back," He said. A few seconds later.."APHMAU HELP!!!!" I panicked and ran after him. 

So I hope you liked that, Unless you skipped it.. I'll update more things later.

Until then,

-<3- Poison

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