Chapter 25

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                                         Chapter 25: she will be back soon.. 

Aaron's POV:                                                                                                                                                                     -----------------

Aphmau needs to wake power isn't strong enough to revive her. "We need Lucinda here, Only she will be able to combine her Healing magic with mine and Aphmau will HOPEFULLY wake up." I stated. "Aaron, It's 3 in the morning. Lucinda hasn't be seen in WEEKS! If we were to find er, she wouldnt be up this early unless she has to. I know you are eager to wake Aphmau up but we have to wait.." The  Orange haired meif'wa said.
"I know ...but I also know that I can wait for Lucinda  to get back, Even if it means that I can't see Aph.... for along time..Aphmau is the light of my life,  if I lose her i will never be able to..." I stopped. "Be able to what?!" Dante asked. "It's nothing.." I said, hoping Dante wouldn't ask me anymore questions. I pick myself up off of the ground to have the ability to refresh and think about what had happen about 2 hours ago. Dante kept asking me questions but I tuned him out so I could just think to myself, and think about who and what I had become.

Lucinda's POV (wasn't expecting that):                                                                                             

Pikoro Village needed my help to defend and keep away Shadow Knights for the time being. Back on the Phoenix Alliance Island  (PAI) I didn't really have to do anything aside from attacking EMPS and that was all, I only just had to check up on everyone and that was my favorite thing to do. But now I have to defend Pikoro Village with Haely, no one has seen us for days and neither has Pikoro, they all probably think we are dead. After Me and Haely put up a invisible wall (that was half of a circle kind of like what Mable and Ford did to the shack with the unicorn hair, just think of it that way but instead of just keeping out monsters it keeps out, EMPS, Shadow Knights, and anything else from the Nether) Sometimes I really wish I could see Aphmau and them, I can only contact them through my crystal ball and that's pretty much it. Hopefully she is doing alright, *GASP* oh no....this ain't good.....

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