Chapter 26 -END-

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                                                      Chapter 26:  The Shadow Knights

Lucinda's POV:

"HAILEY! THE SHADOW KNIGHTS HAVE BROKEN THROUGH THE BARRIER GET EVERYBODY TO THE TOP OF THE TOWERS! RETREAT! RETREAT!" I yelled. I fought off some of the Shadow Knights but i couldn't hold them off any longer than expected. I can't fight them off.

No matter how hard i tried I still can't compete.  With Shad out and roaming around, they have no leader so they do whatever it takes to make humans extinct.  I can't let that happen...I can't let my friends go extinct! I guess I won't be able to hold them off, But I have too! I have to fight even if death is near, My friend's mean more to me than Life. 

Aaron's POV:

"Aph, Wake up please!" I begged and begged, but nothing worked. "Aaron, She isn't gonna wake up. Like we said earlier, Lucinda needs to be here in order for it to work, She's not gonna be back for who knows how long! We just have to me patient.." Dante stated. "Phoenix Drop won't Survive without her! Even if Levin is the Lord of it now, Her power still has to keep it in line or else Shadow Knights will come through and terrorize everyone and everything, leaving no trace of Phoenix Drop behind." I said. "I agree with Aaron, Phoenix Drop is still existing because of My Mom and her power. Shadow Knights raded the place when you guy's were in the Irene Dimension because She wasn't there to use her powers, She didn't even have her powers until you guys came back from the Irene Dimension. Mom saved the village when you guy's first arrived to Phoenix Drop, The village was in shambles and she fixed it up because she is a good person. That's why everyone loved her so much, because she was grateful to the village. I know this because she told me all of this when you guy's came back from the Irene Dimension. I am 17 years old now, And I am still grateful for what Mom did." Levin said. Dante stared at him with wide eye's, tearing up. "Your mom.....She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Me and her knew each other throughout highschool but we forgot about each other when she finished college. Yes, we lived on the same street but we barely remembered each other. I moved out of my house and went to go work as a guard for another village. Your Mom was out adventuring one time and came across me, She didn't trust me at first but when we came across a damaged house that was haunted by-" "By My Brother, Malachi." Levin interuppted. "Yes, Malachi. He terrorized us and when Garroth and Laurance came looking for us, Malachi made two holograms of me and her...the holograms of us were holding hands...Garroth and Laurance didn't look at me the same after that day. When we took Malachi back to Phoenix Drop and had Lucinda and Zoey fix him up and turn him human, She asked me If I should be her Head Guard. I am still thankful that she found me on that day because I was about to be exucuted that specfic day." Dante cried. 

I felt his pain and energy in the air....My body was about to be taken over. 

"Oh, Aaron. Nice to SEE you again! I can't wait to TURN them to one OF My mINiOns. WOuLd YoU lIKe tHAt?!"

"Shad, Why N- BEcAuSE, i CaN! AArOn"   My body started Twitching. 

"Aaron... You Okay? You are twitching..." Dante asked. "Yeah... you don't look so good..." Levin Replied.


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