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Aphmau's POV:

I woke up in the forest with noises moving back and forth throughout the tree's. I Saw Aaron, He was looking upset and he was cooking rabbit.

"So how was your sleep?" Aaron asked. I was looking into space and I shot back to reality. I started blushing. "Uh.. It was good...I guess.." I really didn't know what to say. It was very awkward last night. I don't even know why I'm out here. Then I heard Aaron go into the woods, 'I'll be back," He said. A few seconds later.."APHMAU HELP!!!!" I panicked and ran after him.

The forest SCREAMED his name and it made me more worried, I kept running and then I saw a guy, he looked VERY shady so I ran past him, I had to find Aaron, j can't loose him again..(╯︵╰,) i turned around and the shady guy looked like he was following me. I didn't like the way he looked at me, the only person that was on my mind was Aaron, I ran and ran until I thought it was Aaron I was looking at. "Aaron?..... AARON I MISSED YOU SO SO SO SOOO MUCH, WHAT HAPPENED? WHY DId YOU SCREAM? A-Aaron..?" I said, I don't think that is Aaron... "Hello Aphmau, I am afraid Aaron is no longer with you anymore." A guy said, I know that is a joke..right? And I am thinking that person is the shady guy from before..and I think it i- "Zane Ro'meave, is my name, I believe we have met before!" He said, yep that is exactly what I was gonna say, is this guy an idiot, I always encounter him when Aaron goes missing, I swear this guy wants to get with me or something, he always wants to kill Aaron or something close to that. "Ahem, quit daydreaming." Zane snapped. "Oh sorry, yes we have met before, and I have something to say." I state. "Go on.." "WHAT HAPPENED TO AARON!?" I snapped at him, "Oh I can't tell you that dear.." "DON'T DEAR ME, WHERE IS HE?!?!?!!" I am so mad at this point, I can't explain why..."I'm afraid, if you don't stop yelling you'll see him soon." Zane hinted. "YOU BASTARD! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO WITH HIM!?" I kept yelling and yelling. "Cease her." "WHAT! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" "Oh, but I am. HAHhHaAhhAHaAhhhAHaaHhAha!!!11!1" Zane laughed manically. "No, No, Noooo you can't...Pleaseeeee" "EXECUTE HER" "I cannot do that sir." 

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