Chapter 15: The Angle Irene Herself (Told by Dante ^^)

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Dante's P.O.V:

I was standing outside of Aphmau's House and I heard a lot of screaming and crying, I walked away cause I didn't want to invade into anybody's privacy that they had, I began to wonder, Where is Aaron shouldn't he be helping her with this stuff I mean she has another baby For the mother of Irene! My thoughts drowned me in sarrow, I felt Bad for not being there for her but On the other hand I couldn't be there or else the consequences start towering up, I was afraid that she would die of the lack of Love or Air or even...Food... I couldn't help it any longer I told the whole town about what was Happening and out of nowhere, Katelyn, Garroth, and Laurance Change into something magical, They all had Unique names Like for instance Katelyn's Name was Menphia, Garroth's name was Esmond and Laurance's name was Kulzak, I couldn't believe my eyes neither could Emmalyn, (she fainted), The power was to strong That Laurance couldn't handle it neither could Katelyn, They both retreated back to their Human body's, Real Human Body's, Garroth *cough cough* I mean Esmond,Stayed Esmond, He went to Aphmau's house and knocked on the door, "*Sniff Sniff* Who is it?" She Asked, "It's Esmond aka Garroth," Garroth Replied, "Heh, Heh, What's up with that name and voice of yours?" She laughed, she cheered up a bit but not that much, "Aphmau, That's not important, but What's important is, You have a power hidden deep inside you and if you unlesh it you'll turn into Something Majestic, Beautiful, Amazing!!! Try getting the power out Aphmau, or should I say, Irene..!" Garroth Replied, He wasn't joking either to be exact, Aphmau found that power and really she turned into something Beautiful or should I say, BOOTYful , heh heh, Sorry, anyway Aphmau (cough , cough Irene!!) Was surprised and ran up to Esmond (cough, cough Garroth) and KISSED HIM (0 " 0) <----DAT FACE DOE) HUH!! Garroth went with it and kissed her back but they aren't into each other well Aside from Garroth he LOVES her and still does. But then out of Nowhere SHAD THE LORD OF CHAOS SHOWS UP WITH HIS DEMON ARMY AND WITH GENE SASHA AND ZENIX BY IS SIDE HE WAS ANGRY AND IT WASN'T PRETTY, GARROTH LAURANCE KATELYN AND APHMAU ALL TRANSFORMED INTO THEIR DEVINE WARRIOR FORM AND DEFEATED SHAD AND HIS ARMY!!!! But shortly after that We all had cake and Pizza, I know what your thinking, "But Dante, That's not a good combination!!" WELL IT IS TO M- "Who are you talking to Dante?" Aphmau curiosity struck her good because she kept asking tat same question over and over agai- "WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO DANTE????" Aphmau asked getting mad. Anyway I got to go guys I'm gonna get slapped or punched and trust me it's not gonna be pretty!!!

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