~The Forgiven~

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Aphmau's P.O.V:

I just couldn't believe what I saw Aaron even said he wouldn't do that to me he "Loved" Me. As what he said. I ran away I like took everything of mine and Me and His memory we cherished together. I  can't just Oh my Irene I have to get him back. I ran all the way back to mystreet and in the middle of the street I saw Aaron crying and Dante Nicole Katelyn  and Lucinda + Travis round him. I felt so bad I ran straight tor ward him and Kissed him surprisingly he went with It and stopped crying.

Town P.O.V:

"Y-You came b-back!" Aaron shuddered in tears "Aaron don't cry, I-I'm sorry...." Aphmau let out a tear. Aaron and Aphmau hugged In till  Katelyn broke out into laughter. 'Why are you laughing shush it's there moment" Lucinda said. " You wanna go Lucinda?!" Katelyn threatened. "Sure I think I have a few tricks up my sleeve..." Lucinda said softly. "Lucinda you know how I feel about your magi-" " Ladies, Ladies , Don't fight over me I know I'm hot just don't fi-" TRAVIS!!!" Lucinda and Katelyn Yelled. "Aaron I'm truly sorry..." Aphmau let out a tear. "Awwww!" Everyone said. "Shush..." Laurence said. "There having a MOMENT!!!!"

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