Am I dead?

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Aphmau's POV:
"Hello Aphmau." A voice said. "H-Hello?" I asked. I didnt know who was talking, I  didnt want to know, but I my curiosity got the best of me. "Who are you?" I asked again. "An Old Friend of yours." The Voice Answered. Huh, but which friend? "Okay...Am I dead?" I am curious, okay? "Only in your imagination you are." The voice said.  "What is that suppose to mean?" I asked. "You will see, now go! He needs you. " They said. I got up and walked toward the front door. But then I stopped. I looked at them. They had yellow eyes and cat ears and a tail, is that who I think it is? "Are you Kai?" I asked. "Hehe, looks like someone remembers me." He smiled. "It is you!" I ran up and hugged him. "Aphmau, you have to go now. I will see you again later in life." Kai asked this of me. " Okay Kai, Goodbye!" I yelled in excitement and I opened the door and went outside. To where I woke up in the real world. I felt blood seeping from my neck to my chest. After I talked to Kai I wondered, ' Was that a dream or did it actually happen?" I couldn't move, the knife hurt so much it was to painful to get up. Like I could get up anyway, it hurt. I tried yelling for help. I realized the knife went through my neck and damaged my voice box; I couldn't Talk at all. I heard crying come from the cave I fell himr. Was it Aaron? As I looked up I saw someone fall from the cliff. Who is the ZOEY?! BUT HOW SHE IS TO STRONG!! It was already to late for me, Zoey fell right on top of me pish I the knife even further through my neck.  "Good bye World, I had fun while life lasted for me." I thought to myself. I closed my eyes, I reached the end of Fate.

Aarons POV:
*sniffles* Aph...mau.. S-shes g-gone...(THUMP!) Was that Zoey...? Why does Zane hate me?! Ugh....what did I ever do to him? I married his   best friend, is that rt he reason? No because he WANTED me to date Aphmau... Is it because I....No it can't be because of...merrrrr!!! " Aaron, Don't give me your pity! I have Gene in the Village Erasing YOU from everyone's memory...FOREVER!" Zane said as he walked into the cave. "N-No, what did I do to deserve this, Zane?!" I asked. He looked at me like I already knew. Which the Sh- (coughs) OTHER part of the did, but me, Aaron, Do not know. "what do you mean..?" I mumbled. "Speak up! I don't understand Gibberish!" Zane crossed his arms. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" I yelled. He looked at Me shocked. "You know what I an talking about!" Zane yelled at me. I felt my eyes glow red. " Mr. Zane Ro'meave, is it?  I am not sorry for not keeping an eye on my shadow knights,  my purpose in this lousy world will NOT nor EVER be redeemed. Let me out now Zane or I will get all of the shadow knights to come to the over world and bring you to the dungeon and take that STUPID relic out of you!" Shad said ( the other side of me). "I like your style, Shad. but...No. i am not letting you out. This relic broke anyway, so you can take it. I'd like to see you try." Zane said.  " Zane you will NOT be a shadow night an longer if you don't let me out now." Shad Threatened. "Who cares anyway?" Zane said.

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