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Aphmau and Aaron wake up to a slight Knock on their front door. Aaron said he'll open it so he went down stairs and Opened the door it was Brian the Guard he said Someone is at the front gate and They needed the Lord. So Aphmau and Aaron ran down there and saw Zane and his Guards at the gate. "What are you doing here?" Aphmau said not excited. " Well, The Lord of Bright Port needs to see you ALONE! So Aaron can't come and if you sneak him you will be in big trouble by the Lord of Brightport." Zane Demanded. "1 second let me go get something-" "Hold it right there Aphmau when your going to a Lord Meeting you always have to EMPTY your pockets." Zane interrupted. "Okay...." Aphmau said. They left to Brightport but Aphmau had a little something up her sleeve!

                                                                        To Be Continued......

                                     Part 1 of "The Meeting will be out later on today!!! 

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