~The Meeting~

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Aphmau's POV:

Hm, Aaron needs to protect me when I go to BrightPort. I know I'm not allowed to but  I'll talk to Aaron About this. I walked up to Aaron and He said "Aphmau, I have a plan to (Zane walks in and looks at us) Not Take me with you heheh *sarcasm*" and I said " Yeah...hehehe You know you can't come with me Aaron!-" I got Interuppted by Zane and He reply's "Good Aphmau you get 5 more minutes!" "Okay!" I screamed. Zane left and Aaron said the rest of the plan.

Zane's POV:

Lady Aphmau doesn't know what she is getting herself into, If she even THINKS of bringing Aaron in a lasso, Hehehe You don't know what your getting into...

(End of Point of View)

Zane and Aphmau Left, Aphmau took everything out of her pockets aside from the Golden Lasso. Zane saw the Lasso sticking out and told Aphmau that she forgot something. She was Like "Oh Yeah, Thanks Zane for reminding me." She was not excited. The moment Aphmau Turned Around Zane snatched the Lasso and Says, "I'm gonna go now so I don't bother all of you Lords!" (Aphmau: Oh no, Zane is leaving this can't be good, Hopefully he didn't get the Golden Lasso...) Zane Ran to the Lake near by.

Zane's POV:

HAHAHAHA!!! Aaron I know your in there and now this is your last chance to say something (Water Crashing on to Rocks) "WHAT DO YOU WANT!" Aaron said very angry like. "Aaron, I know who you really are!!!" I said. "mmm...How do you know?" Aaron calmly responded. "Well Shad, I know you liked someone that went in to deep slumber, Is that Correct?" "Yes..." "Where is she now!!!" I demanded . " IM NOT GONNA TELL YOU," "WHY DO YOU WANNA KNOW?!" Aaron bursted out screaming. "I need to know so I can get the POWER!!!" " WHY! YOU'LL JUST KILL HER, ME AND HER HAVE A LONG HISTORY TOGGETHER EVEN IF I  WAS THROWN INTO DIFFRENT REALMS I LOVED HER AND STILL DO!!!!!" The Shad side of Aaron Screamed. "ANSWER ME! I'LL THROW YOU IN THE RIVER IF YOU DON'T!" I screamed. "FINE! IRENE IS APHHMAU! AND DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER!" Shad Demanded in Response. "" I KNEW SHE WAS HIDING SOMETHING. Well Aaron I WON'T see you later." I said. "WAIT! WHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Shad screamed. I threw so called Aaron into the Lake and I won't see him EVER again.

Aphmau's POV:

I'm  So glad that this meeting is   over now I need to get Aaron. Zane Stopped me from leaving, "Hello, Irene, A little friend of yours named Shad told me you were here and  does this name remind you of anyone ,  The name is Aaron?" " WHAAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!" "I maybe threw him somewhere that deals with Water." "Aaron I'm coming-" "Oh no no no, Me and him made a deal, I put you in a dungeon and terrorize your village and Aaron keeps his Identity Safe and Thrown down a lake nearby!" "WHAT!"  " You heard me I'm banishing you to a dungeon!" Zane Said. " No you can't, (Teared up)." I cried. "I don't care Irene Just know he's gone now! HAHAHA!" Zane Laughed as he walked away. N-No, Aaron would n-ne-never do a thing..... (Flashbacks of all the devines even Shad)

H-Huh!! No I can't be Irene... Garroth Help me, Plea-Please.... I'm B-Begging you....

Garroth's POV:

Huh Do I hear Lady Aphmau? I thin she is in trouble that would be correct  cause you can only use the distress signal when someone is in trouble. I  have to get Dante to help!

                          ~~3 hours later~~

"APHMAU WHERE ARE YOU!!??" They Both yelled. "W-What!! How'd they find me and how'd they get down here away from the guards...How!!!" Aphmau said to herself. "Were coming!" Garroth said.

 sorry if this is short but in a few days ill write another chapter........

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