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Okay without further ado, I present you all the prologue.

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"Hulk." I yelled stretching my arms towards Hulk as if by some force I could make him stop.

The car stopped abruptly, just a few inches away from my dog. I sighed heavily in relief.

Hulk barked and wiggled his tail as if to say 'I'm fine'. He barked again and came running towards me as if he was happy to see me there.

The door of the car which almost hit my baby boy opened and after what felt like hours though it's being only few seconds a boy came out.

And boy, was he gorgeous.

He was tall, maybe around 6 ft or more, i could say, his brown locks looks shiny due to bright sun, his eyes a warm shade of chocolate brown, his pink full lips looks almost tempting, his high cheekbone, his-

I snapped out of my La la land when I realised that Mr. Chocolate was walking towards me.

I decided that I should say thank you to him for not trampling my dog because if he had not hit the brakes at that time then I think I would be planning for Hulk's funeral now.

But after what came out of his mouth, I started second guessing my decision to say Thank You.


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Lj :)

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