22: Zander don't like Ryan Parker.

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Amelia Greene's Pov

"Okay, fine I won't do anything." Jake agreed with a scowl. I grinned widely at his statement and gave him a side hug.

"But." He started to say which made me pull back and look at him properly.


"But if he tries anything or he hurts you in anyway, I will not leave him." Jake said his voice filled with promise which I know wouldn't be broken.

"okay." I nodded my head.

"Yes and I'll bring the body bags." Hannah quipped suddenly from across the table.

"What?" Ashley gave her a weird look.

Hannah looked at all of us sipping on her apple juice and shrugged carelessly. "You know to hide the body or to bury it." She rolled her eyes when we all gave her an incredulous look.

"What? I thought you were talking about killing Zander so I'm planning to help you, you dimwit." She glared at Jake who rolled his eyes.

"No one is killing anyone." I said firmly and gave them all a warning look which didn't effect them as I thought it would as Hannah rolled her eyes and wave her hand dismissively while Ashley snorted and Jake chuckled.

"I'm serious." I said feeling frustrated when they didn't take my warning seriously. They all looked at me and then gave a nod.

I sighed when I felt like a heavyweight had been lifted off my shoulders by telling them about my date with Zander which is tomorrow by the way.

I called Hannah as soon as Zander had asked or more like forced me to go on a date with him. She went all fangirl for a moment over Zander and started ranting about how her ship has sailed but after a while she came down from her Zander-obsessed mode and went all mother Hannah on me.

She told me to tell Ashley and Jake about the date but i couldn't because I was scared that they would not approved and would advice me not to go.

And from the looks of it I did the right thing by deciding to tell Jake and Ash a day before the date because Jake went all brother mode on me when i told him about my date while Ash gave me disapproving look. The whole ride to school was filled me trying to convince them to let me go on a date with him.

I know what people say or think shouldn't matter because it's our decision that matters and our happiness but my friends and family is everything to me. Jake was there when I was alone after Hannah changed school. And Ashley was there when the girls tried to bully me about my appearance and so they mean a lot to me and also their opinion matters a lot.

But finally Jake had agreed, while Ash agreed after she witness the scene at my locker in the morning before the first class when Zander had greeted me.

I asked her why her sudden change in heart but she gave me a smile and said, "Because now I'm sure."

I even asked her what was she sure of but she chuckled and shook her head.

The bell rang which indicates the end of lunch and so we stood up quickly and made our way inside the school building.

We decided to have our lunch outside the school building and on the school grounds where there are a set of stone made table and seats if anyone wants to eat outside or for a group study.

Today the day was bright and sunny. And a perfect day for me wear my blue floral sundress with my ballet flats.

"Let's get to class." Jake opened the school doors and we all followed him.

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