25: Park.

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Amelia Greene's Pov

I shifted again still looking out the car window. Silence was stretched in the car, neither of us uttered a word.

Zander was driving and I was looking out the window. I released a long sigh as this drive seemed never ending but actually it had only being fifteen minutes.

After what felt like hours, Zander finally said. "We are here."

He got out and came around my side to open the door for me. I smiled at his gesture.

He held my hand in his and we started walking. I saw a park filled with kids as we started making our way in that direction.

"We are going to there?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah." He shrugged and pulled me towards the park.

The park was huge in comparison to the one near my house. And also, it was filled with kids, teenagers and elders. Everyone seemed to be having a good time as most of them laid down on the grass soaking up the sun.

I didn't get why he brought me here of all the places but I couldn't complain because the park was beautiful and everyone seems to be enjoying the pleasant day.

I didn't ask any questions I just let him take the lead. I looked around and saw a bunch of kids playing the game of tag and I smiled when the little boy caught his friend.

"Uncle Zan, Amy." I heard someone yell joyously making me snap my head towards the owner of the voice which was none other than Jayden himself.

A large smile made its way on my face at the sight of the little devil himself. He came running towards us and hugged Zander's leg. Zander laughed at his nephew's action and ruffled his hair.

"You are late?" Jayden complained as he let go of Zander's leg. He crossed his arms and gave Zander a nasty glare.

I couldn't help but smile at his cute behaviour. Zander bend down to his level and said. "I had to go and pick up Lia since you were sulking yesterday because you were missing her."

Jayden faced turned beet red and he gave a Zander a deadly glare to which Zander smiled innocently but his eyed held that mischievous glint in it.

"Really Jay?" I asked stooping down to his level and smiled. When he didn't say anything, I continued.

"But I missed you too, very much." Jayden looked at me and he gave me a shy smile. He kissed my cheek quickly and said. "I missed you too."

"Okay, that's enough." Zander pulled me up and glared at his nephew. Jayden gave him a cheeky smile making me smile at their antics.

"I hope you weren't a bad boy today?" Zander gave Jayden a suspicious look to which Jayden immediately shook his head.

From what I have come to know after babysitting Jayden once was that he was notorious and a little devil. But he was an angel in front of his mother, grandparents and Zander.

"Okay, let's go." Zander said holding Jayden's hand. "Say bye to your friends." Jayden waved at his friends.

"Where is his nanny?" I asked Zander when I saw Jayden was without his nanny. Jayden freed his hand from Zander's hold and came to stood between us. He held both of our hands in his tiny ones smiling widely.

"She said she had some important thing to do today and could only baby sit for few hours." Zander answered. I nodded my head in understanding.

"I'm hungry." Jayden whined when we reached Zander's car.

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