8: The deal with God.

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Beauty fades but the strength of your character doesn't.

Beauty may have launched a thousand ships, but a powerful personality inspired nations together.


Thank you so much @readdreamsleep21 for your votes and comments :)

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Amelia Greene's Pov

'We're all bored we're also tired of everything,

We wait for trains that aren't just coming,

We show off our different scarlet letters,

Trust m-'

"Hello." I answered my phone groggily.

"Amelia, I'm so happy." Hannah squealed from the other side. I sat right up on my bed surprised by her sudden squealing and looked at the time.

4:30 am.

"Hannah it is only four now." I groaned out irritated that she woke me up so early.

"You won't believe what had happen today, no not today actually yesterday." Hannah said enthusiastically.

I was so sleepy that I didn't even realize that Hannah was not a morning person instead she was that type of a person that would kick, slap and punch you when you tried to wake her up.

"Can't you tell me whatever had happen with you today at school. I'm really sleepy." I whined.

"Not today, yesterday. I said Yes. Ter. Day." Hannah said emphasising each word.

"Yeah yesterday. I'm really sleepy Han and I have to wake up at six." I said releasing a long yawn.

"Okay, you sleep now. I'll tell you everything at school, bye Am." Hannah chirped.

"Ohhhh..kay, bye." Another yawn escape from my mouth. I ended the call and settled myself under my duvets.

Yesterday I slept way pass my bedtime and it was taking a toll on me now. On Saturday we had picked Drew up from the airport and had a mini party at Ashley's and Drew's place after which we all went back home at around five in the evening.

Then the next day we all went out for lunch and had a marathon of all the superheroes movies at my place. Hannah went home early saying her mom needs her at home but she was looking nervous for some reason. After her departure we continued watching the movie. We didn't realise it was already late until we saw the clock that showed ten past eleven. Everybody fled from my place like my house was on fire.

I love spending my weekends with my friends and family, with that thought in mind I surrender myself to sleep.


I walked down the stairs and went towards the kitchen thinking mom would be there as usual but was met with the empty kitchen. I saw a note stick on the fridge.

'Good morning choco pie, I've got an early meeting today and so I left early then usual.

I'm sorry I didn't have time to make breakfast today.

Love you. Have a nice day sweetie.'

"I love you too." I murmured and threw the note in the waste bin.

Cereal it was then.

I was done with the breakfast and was sitting on the front porch of my house waiting for Hannah to pick me up. I checked my phone to see the time and it was already forty five past eight and school starts at nine.

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