29: My girl.

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This chapter is dedicated to all my reader who love Zander's Pov *winks*


Zander King's Pov

I watched her fidgeting with the hem of her shirt nervously standing before me as she looked down at her shoe and not at me. She was looking tiny than she already was with her shoulders sagged and head down.

I wanted to hold her and make her feel better, take away whatever is troubling her and kiss her senselessly until she can't breat-

I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts. Now is not the time to think about kissing her. I cursed myself silently and also her innocent wide grey eyes that were now looking at me.

I cleared my throat and said. "If you have nothing to say, I'm going." I made a move to turn around but a small hand on my wrist stopped me and I heard her say timidly.


I sighed as even her voice was enough to make me forgive her, her mere touch make me want to forget everything she had done and just hold her forever but I can't and won't do this. She has to explain why she did what she did.

She don't know how much I hated it when I saw her with Ryan fucking Parker at the café. Even at my constant saying to not meet him or even him she has the audacity to go behind my back and go on a date with him.

Date. A bloody fucking date.

My anger flared at the thought as I pulled my hand away from her grasp. She looked hurt at my action but was quick to masked it. I was too consumed by anger to feel guilty for it.

"Then fucking say something. Or why don't you just tell me why did you go on a date with him when you were with me?" I asked her as calmly as possible.

If it was any other girl, I wouldn't have given a flying shit what she does behind my back or what she does on her spare time but this is not just any girl, she is Amelia, my Lia and she is different than other. Different than other girls I've ever had any kind of fling with. She is the different I want in my life.

And maybe that's why deep down I'm hoping she has a reason, a fucking solid reason for going a date with Ryan and breaking my trust that I gave her.

"First." I heard her say rather softly making me feeling a tad bit bad for being so hard on her. "it was not a date." At her words I felt like jumping and fist pumping the air but held myself back.

At least it was not a date.

"If that was not a date then what was it?" I asked her tying to hide the smile and to keep a neutral face. She looked at me once then turn her gaze elsewhere.

"I was tutoring him." I raised an eyebrow at her answer and she continued. "Mr. Bings wanted me to tutor him for maths because he is weak in maths and since I am the second highest scorer in maths he asked me personally to help him out and I couldn't say no." She explained and I felt a feeling washed over me as I felt light, my heart no longer felt like it was weighing a ton.

I felt relief.

But that still didn't answer one thing. "Then why did you lie to me?" At my question she looked up and meet my gaze that was on her since I entered the room.

"Erm.. You told me not to talk with him so I thought you wouldn't like the idea of me tutoring him and you might make me change my mind or worst be mad at me." She answered honestly.

"I am not that bad." I feign offended as a small smile spread on my face. Who was I kidding, I am worst but she doesn't need to know that.

She gave me a sheepish smile looking a little relax than she was before.

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