Chapter Four

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Skye ran downstairs and went straight to the door. "I've got it," she yelled to her mum before pulling the door open. She looked up at the familiar figure stood in front of her and sighed. It wasn't who she'd wanted it to be. In fact, it was quite the opposite.

"What do you want, Nathan?" she asked, her reaction making him smirk. "You," he replied, wiggling her eyebrows. Skye rolled her eyes, becoming sick of his sarcastic comments. "Listen, thanks for driving me home the other night, I'm sure it was one of the very few nice things you've done for another human being. But we're not friends and I doubt we ever will be so I'd appreciate it if you left me alone," Skye told him. Nathan's tall, toned figure suddenly tensed at her harsh words.

"All I try to do is help you, Skye. But every time I do you just treat me like shit!" he snapped and Skye stepped back a little scared at his sudden angered outburst. His expression softened at her actions and he let out a sigh. "Let me take you out tonight," he said. Skye quickly shook her head.

"Please, Skye?" he asked almost pleadingly. "No," she answered and he looked a little defeated before he flashed his signature smirk. "You'll change your mind eventually," he told her before turning around. Skye couldn't help but admire his long legs as he walked away from her. The way his shirt clung to his torso made her bite her lip.

Realising that she was checking out her arrogant history partner, Skye let out a long breath and shut the front door. "Who was that?" Skye's mum asked from the kitchen. "Just some guy wanting to copy my history homework," she lied. "I hope you said no," her mum replied in a tone that said you better have said no. "Of course I did."

"What are you doing tonight?" Skye's mum asked as she came out of the kitchen. This meant she wanted something from her. "Nothing, why?" Skye questioned. "I'm going out with Katherine this evening. Maybe you could call Jace and ask him to come over," she suggested. Skye shrugged, acting as though she didn't care before picking up the phone and dialling Jace's number. Her mother grinned before returning to the kitchen. The phone rang twice before someone picked up.

"Hello?" Jace spoke. "Hi, Jace, it's Skye."

"Oh...hi. What do you want?" he asked. Skye frowned at his unusually rude response. "I was just wondering if you'd like to do something tonight," she spoke, making sure the annoyance was evident in her tone. "Like what?" he snapped. "I don't know. Maybe go and get something to eat?"

"No. I don't want to see anyone," Jace quickly said. "Oh...okay. How about you come round to my house then?" Skye suggested. There was quiet between the two of them for a moment before Jace said, "Yeah, okay. What time?"

"Five?" Skye suggested. "Alright, I'll see you then. Goodbye, Skye." And then he hung up the phone. Jace was acting rather...jumpy. Skye pondered on the thought for a moment before shaking it off and going upstairs.


"Skye! Jace is here!" Skye's mum yelled up the stairs. Skye rushed out of her bedroom to see Jace stood in the doorway at the bottom of the stairs. She went downstairs and invited him in.

"I'll see you later," Skye's mum said as she left the house. Skye was now alone with Jace and she couldn't decide how she felt about that. "I brought marshmallows," Jace told her and she grinned.

"Great. I've thrown a few cushions and duvets on the living room floor so just make yourself comfortable and our movie marathon can begin," Skye explained and Jace followed her instructions. Skye put Harry Potter on the television and sat beside Jace on the floor. He put his arm around her and she smiled slightly.

"So what's the history with you and Casey?" he asked. Skye winced at the mention of her ex-boyfriend's name. " doesn't matter," she replied. "Tell me," he pressed and she sighed. "It's complicated." Thankfully, Jace didn't say another word about it.

After Harry Potter, Jace went outside to answer a phone call and Skye let curiosity get the better of her and listened in. "No, I'm not with her," she heard Jace say. "If I see her again, he'll beat the shit out of me. He's made it clear that she's his." Then there was a short silence. "I want to be with her but she's Nathan's." Skye became angry at the sound of Nathan's name. Why was he sticking his nose where it wasn't wanted? "Yeah, I guess. I'll just have to stay away from her."

"Bye," Jace said then hung up the phone. Skye stepped away from the front door just as Jace opened it. He looked down at her and must've realised that she was listening by the look on her face. "Did you hear any of that?" he asked. "Has Nathan got a girlfriend?" she questioned, ignoring his question. Jace breathed out in relief. "Yeah," he lied. "Oh," was all Skye said. The slight pang of jealousy she felt annoyed her.

"Come on. Let's watch another film," Jace said and took Skye's hand in his. He walked her back into the living room and they sat on the floor. Jace tipped her head back and smiled. "You're beautiful," he whispered, causing her to blush. Skye looked into his brown eyes and he leaned towards her. Jace closed the gap between them and Skye smiled into the kiss. Skye was the first to pull away when her phone started ringing. She blushed before looking down at it. It was an unknown number. She hesitated but answered it.

"Hello?" she spoke. "Where are you?" a voice asked. "I'm sorry. Who is this?" Skye questioned, confused. "Who are you with?" the stranger spoke again. Skye suddenly became frightened and worried that someone was calling her and asking her twenty questions. "Who is this?" she asked, her voice barely audible. "Answer my questions and I'll answer yours."

"I'm at home," Skye answered. "With?" the stranger questioned. "Jace."

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." Before Skye could say anything else the line went dead. She put her phone down and frowned. "What is it?" Jace asked. Skye opened her mouth to talk but there was a knock at the door. She stood up and rushed into the hallway, suddenly worried about what was going on before opening the door. She looked up at the tall figure stood on her porch who was frowning at her. Relief washed over her. It was only Nathan.

"What are you doing here?" Skye asked him. Nathan looked behind Skye at Jace and his eyes filled with fury. He clenched his jaw and his fists. "Skye, go to your room," Nathan told her. "Excuse me? Who do you think you are?" she questioned, becoming angry at Nathan.

"Listen, Skye, I'm going to take off," Jace piped up. Before Skye could protest Jace slipped past Skye and almost cowered away from Nathan as he went past. "Nathan, just go," Skye spat before attempting to slam the door in his face. But he wedged his foot in front of it.

"I'm not going to let you waste a perfectly good movie night," he replied with his signature smirk spread over his lips before he stepped inside the house. Skye frowned as he shut the front door and went into the living room. She could only watch as he made himself comfortable on the floor and patted the duvet beside him. She rolled her eyes but sat down beside him as he pressed play on the remote. Nathan put his arm around Skye but she shrugged it off. "Don't," he said through gritted teeth. Skye shuddered and let Nathan pull her closer to him.

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