Chapter Two

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Skye dropped her books onto the desk and slumped down onto her stool. It was finally Friday. Professor Finley was writing on the chalk board. Skye tapped her pen on the front of her textbook impatiently waiting for the class to begin. April Jones turned on her stool and leant herself on Skye's desk. April's blonde hair was tied up in some kind of horrible bird's nest and she had her usual red lipstick on.

"Hey, England," she spoke with a plastic smile. "It's Skye," Skye corrected as she took a pen out of her bag. "Whatever. What do you know about the new guy?" April asked her. Skye raised her eyebrows at April. "I don't know anything about him."

"I'm sure that's not true. You've been sitting next to him for a week," April pointed out. "And that obviously means we're best friends and have sleepovers all the time. Did you know his favourite colour is pink? And he loves walks on the beach with his poodle, Cuddles," Skye replied sarcastically then added, "I don't talk to him, April." She frowned at Skye and just as she was about to say something else, Nathan dropped onto his stool.

"Ladies," he greeted with his usual cocky smirk on his face. Skye rolled her eyes and April flashed Nathan a flirtatious smile before she turned back around. Skye didn't even spare Nathan a glance. She just looked straight ahead as Professor Finley started talking and opened her book.

"Are you going to talk to me now?" Nathan asked Skye. She stopped scribbling down notes and turned her head to look at him. "No," she replied.

"You just did," he said and she sighed. She didn't have the patience for his irritating sarcastic comments. "Nathan, what do you want from me?"

"What makes you think I want something from you?" he asked, raising his caterpillar eyebrows. "Because guys like you," she pointed at him with her pen, "don't talk to girls like me."

"Maybe I like to change things up," Nathan replied with a wink. Skye rolled her eyes at him and continued taking notes.

For the rest of the class, Skye ignored Nathan as usual. She didn't want to have his attention. And he didn't deserve hers. When the bell rang, Skye grabbed her books and her bag and stood up. She headed for the door but was stopped by Nathan's voice. "Skye, wait," Nathan called after her. He caught up to her and she looked at him expectantly. "There's another party tonight. You should come along," he told her. "I don't think so," she replied. "Come on, Princess."

"Definitely not." Before Nathan could reply, Skye left the classroom. She walked to her locker, pulled it open and shoved her books inside. "I'll tell you what," Trudy said as she came out of nowhere.

"What?" Skye questioned, preparing herself for Trudy's newest, ridiculous idea. "Tonight, we're going to a party," she announced. "No," Skye replied, knowing that it would be the party Nathan had mentioned. "Please, Skye. I don't want to go on my own," Trudy whined. "Still no."

"Skye, I'll let you use my car all weekend," Trudy suggested. Skye hesitated. She couldn't afford her own car so jumped at every opportunity she got to borrow Trudy's. "Fine," Skye sighed.

"Great. I'll pick you up at eight."

Skye pulled on a black t-shirt and cardigan. It was 7.55pm and Trudy would be arriving soon. Skye didn't want to go to the party but she didn't want to let Trudy go on her own. There were some dodgy people in the area where the party was. Plus she wanted to go to the library this weekend so needed Trudy's car. Skye shoved her phone into her pocket before making her way downstairs.

Skye went into the kitchen and saw that her mum was sat with two strangers. There was a woman with brown wavy hair who looked to be the same age as her mum, smiling at her. She had wrinkles under her eyes and around her lips, giving away recent stress she'd been under. Sat next to the woman there was a boy about Skye's age. He had blonde hair which was swept across his forehead. His brown eyes looked Skye up and down and he grinned.

"This is Katherine and her son, Jace," Skye's mum introduced. Skye smiled at the two strangers. "They're new to the neighbourhood. Maybe you could take Jace to that party you're going to," her mum suggested. Skye internally rolled her eyes at her mum's suggestion. "Sure, why not," she replied. Jace grinned and followed her out of the kitchen.

"My friend, Trudy will swing by to pick us up in about," Skye was explaining when her phone buzzed signalling that Trudy had arrived, "now." Jace smiled again, still not speaking and followed Skye out of the house. "Trudy, this is Jace. He's coming with us," Skye told her best friend. Trudy flashed a flirtatious smile at Jace as the two of them got into the car.

The ride to the party was short and silent. The music from the house they pulled up in front of must've annoyed the whole street. But the neighbours were clearly too scared to go and bang on the door of a house that contained many drunk and hormonal teenagers.

The three teens made their way up to the house. Skye tried to make Jace feel more comfortable by walking closer to him as they stepped through the front door. Trudy was soon dancing along with many other drunken teenagers while Jace and Skye sat down in the corner of the room and watched the dancing bodies.

"I'm sorry that my mum made you come here," Skye shouted over the music. Jace shrugged. "It's fine. You're my only friend here, if that's what you are?" he replied. "Yeah, I guess we could be friends. I wouldn't want you to be a loner." Jace grinned. "I'll get us some drinks," he told her then stood up. She watched Jace walk away from her and tipped her head to the side as she admired his long legs.

"I thought you weren't coming," someone shouted over the music. Skye snapped her attention away from Jace and looked up to see Nathan, much to her disappointment. "Trudy dragged me here," she replied and Nathan grinned. "Well, I'm glad you came. Can I get you a drink?"

"You can get fucked." Nathan frowned at her. "I'll be right back with that drink then," he said through gritted teeth and walked off. Skye frowned. He had anger problems. Skye's eyes searched the dance floor for Trudy but she was lost in the crowd. She was probably swinging her hips and sticking her breasts out to try and get some male attention. Trudy had an edge to her and she was unpredictable. That's what Skye loved about her. Trudy was always fun to be around.

Jace returned with two plastic cups and handed one to Skye. "Don't worry. It's just coke and I haven't spiked it," he told her and she chuckled. "Thanks, Jace," she replied and took a sip from the cup. Skye looked around the dance floor again and her eyes finally found Trudy. She had her arms in the air and was shaking her bum. Skye chuckled and returned her attention to Jace.

"So where are you from?" she asked. "Utah," he replied. "Wow. That's a big move. Why'd you leave there?" Skye questioned. "My mom and dad split up and my mom moved out here, to LA, because she found a good job."

"How do you feel about the move?" Skye asked, "Sorry. You don't have to answer that."

"No, it's okay, I guess. It's a fresh start," Jace replied and Skye smiled. She looked back up at the dance floor and saw Nathan walking towards her. When he reached her, he was frowning. He looked Jace up and down and clenched his jaw. "Here's your drink," Nathan told Skye. She took the red cup and placed it on the floor next to the one Jace had given to her. "This is Jace," she told him. Jace held out his hand but Nathan didn't shake it. Skye frowned at Nathan's insolence.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said to Skye before walking away. Jace looked at her wide-eyed. "Is he your boyfriend?" he asked her and she almost laughed. "Not at all. He's not even a friend. He's just a guy I sit next to in history," she answered. Jace nodded and watched as Nathan stormed out of the room.

"So what subjects are you taking at college?" Skye asked Jace as she tried to change the subject. She didn't much like Nathan and preferred not to think about him. "I don't go to college," Jace replied. "Oh. I was looking forward to seeing you around."

"Don't worry. I'll still be around," he told her and she smiled not really knowing what he meant by that.

A heavy breathing Trudy slumped down onto the sofa beside Skye. "Ready to go?" she asked Skye. "Absolutely. I'll drive," she replied and grabbed the car keys from Trudy's hand. Jace, Trudy and Skye all stood up and exited the room.

Nathan was stood by the door. "Leaving so soon?" he asked Skye. "Yeah. This has been a nice little visit but I have better things to do." Nathan smirked at her before giving Jace a dirty look. Skye frowned at him and quickly ushered Jace and Trudy out of the door. "Piss off," she muttered to Nathan before closing the door between them.

A/N: Photo of Jace at the top.

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