Chapter Twenty Four

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Nathan jumped out of the car and ran towards the building. He slammed his fists hard against the door of the warehouse until someone opened it. The tall man smirked at Nathan and he glared back at him.

"Follow me," the man spoke in a mischievous tone. Nathan followed the tall man into the warehouse and listened carefully for any sign of Skye. But all he could hear was the wind outside the old warehouse. The man turned to his left and stopped. He knocked on the door twice and waited. The door was opened by another man and Nathan was shoved inside. Skye was looking down at the floor as her limp body was tied to the chair she was sat on.

"What have you done to her?" Nathan spat as Jonathon emerged from the corner of the room. "Nothing compared to what she's about to go through," he replied and the two other men grabbed hold of Nathan. Despite his protests he was tied to a chair opposite Skye. Jonathon walked round to the back of Skye and grabbed a fist full of her hair. He yanked her head up and she looked at Nathan. Her nose was bleeding and she had a cut above her left eyebrow. Her hair stuck to her face from the tears that had fallen.

"Now here's what's going to happen," Jonathon started, "here in front of me I have the person who means the most to you in this world. Now you're going to see her suffer."

"Don't you fucking touch her!" Nathan growled, desperately trying to get out of the chair and get to Skye. "What are you going to do about it?" Jonathon retorted. "When I get out of this chair, I'll fucking kill you," Nathan spoke, his voice deadly serious. "Looking forward to it," Jonathan replied before releasing Skye and sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. "Jacob, go ahead," he said. The tall man walked over to Skye and bent down in front of her. She kept her eyes on Nathan as Jacob began talking.

"Now you're going to feel a slight pain in your big toe," he told her as he took her toe in his hand. He quickly bent her toe to the side until it cracked. Skye screamed in pain and Nathan fought against the rope restraining him. He couldn't stand to see her in this much pain. Jacob took her other big toe in his hand and did the same. Skye let out another painful scream as she felt her bone snap. "Please! Stop!" she begged as more tears spilled down her cheeks.

"Fingers next?" Jacob clarified with Jonathon who nodded. Jacob moved to the back of the chair Skye was sat on and snapped one of her fingers. She kept screaming as waves of pain were sent through her body. "Stop! Stop hurting her!" Nathan shouted. His pleas were ignored as more pain was inflicted on Skye. "I'll do anything. Just please stop hurting her!" he begged.

Jacob grinned as he pulled Skye's head back and forcefully kissed her. Nathan's wrists were burning from the pain of the ropes rubbing on them as he tried to loosen them. He had to get to her. He had to hold her and tell her everything would be okay. Skye cried as the man forced his tongue into her mouth.

"Stop!" Nathan persisted. Jonathon clapped his hands and Jacob released Skye. "Take them both to the cellar. There's someone outside I need to talk to," Jonathon told Jacob and the other man. Skye was untied from the chair and thrown over Jacob's shoulder. He carried her out of the room and Nathan continued to struggle in his chair. The other man placed something over Nathan's nose and mouth, causing him to black out.

Nathan blinked a few times as his vision focused. He was in a dark and cold room and his hands were bound behind his back. He sat up and looked around the room. Skye was curled up in the corner, not making a sound. He pushed himself up off the ground and hurried over to her.

"Princess," he spoke as he collapsed beside her. She looked up at him to reveal fresh bruises forming on her face. Nathan wrestled with the loose ropes on his wrists before shaking them off. He placed his hand on Skye's swollen cheek and his heart ached. "Skye, I'm so sorry," he whispered before wrapping his arms around her. Skye clung onto her boyfriend weakly as he embraced her.

"I'll figure out a way to get us out of here. Then I'll take you away. We'll have a fresh start, just you and me. We'll start a whole new life. We could have kids if you want to. Anything you want, Skye. I'll look after you and I'll be the best person I can be. I'd do anything for you, Princess," he told her. She sobbed into his chest. She really wanted to believe that they'd get out of here and have a new life somewhere else. But she could barely imagine being anywhere else with Nathan right now, never mind having children with him.

"Oi! Snuggle time is over," Jacob yelled as he opened the door of the cellar. Nathan looked up the stairs and saw the tall man looking down at them. "Come up here," he told them before walking away. Nathan kissed Skye's forehead before carrying her bridal style up the stairs.

"It seems your friend attempted a rescue for you," Jacob said as he lead Nathan back to the room they had previously been in. Jay was tied to one of the chairs looking up at Nathan. "Jay, shit," Nathan cursed. "I'm sorry," Jay replied.

"Well, I'm sorry about this, Jay. But we're going to have to kill you now," Jonathon said. Jay's eyes widened and Nathan moved in front of the chair he was sat on. "Don't you fucking dare!" Nathan spat with Skye's body limp in his arms. Jonathon laughed as Nathan desperately tried to prevent Skye and Jay from being harmed.

"Please just let Skye and Jay go. You have me now. That's what you wanted. Do anything you want to me but these two never did anything. Let them go," Nathan reasoned. "I don't think so," Jonathon replied before exiting the room.  "I swear I'll get you out of here," Nathan whispered to Skye.

Jonathon quickly returned with a bag which he handed to Jacob. Jacob grinned and put his hand in the bag bringing out a gun. Nathan's heart skipped a beat. Surely he wouldn't actually use it?

"Now here's your choice, Nathan. We kill Jay, or Skye and Jacob have some alone time," Jonathon spoke. "I don't think so," Nathan replied. "It's your choice, Nathan. We'll give you a few minutes to decide," he said before ushering the two men out of the room and following them out. He shut the door and Nathan turned to Jay. He sat Skye down on the other chair and ran a hand through his hair.

"I can't let them hurt her," he told Jay. Jay nodded understandingly. "But I can't let them kill you," Nathan added. "Tom says he'll be here soon. He's making a plan to get you out of here. I was sent as a distraction," Jay explained. And just like that there was hope.

"But I still have to make this decision," Nathan spoke. Skye looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Skye. I can't let them kill Jay," he said to her. "Promise me something?" she asked and Nathan nodded.

"If we get out of here, take me away and don't ever look back. Promise me that we will always be together no matter what. I can't lose you."

"I promise. I love you." The door opened and Jonathon, Jacob and the other man entered the room. "So what's it going to be?" Jonathon asked. Nathan looked at Skye and kissed her lips softly. "I'm so sorry," he whispered to her. "Looks like it's your lucky day, Jacob," Jonathon spoke as Jacob took Skye out of the room.

"You bastard," Nathan spat venomously. "Ah, ah. Be nice now, Nathan. Remember we have your girlfriend," Jonathon told him before leaving the room with the other man once again.

Nathan turned to Jay with a worried expression on his face. "It'll be okay. Tom will get us out of here," Jay reassured him. "I hope so," Nathan replied. But all that was on his mind was Skye. He just wanted to hold her and keep her safe. This was all his fault.

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