Chapter Three

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"Skye, phone!" Skye's mum shouted up the stairs. Skye zipped up her bag before picking up the phone and putting it to her ear. "Got it!" she told her mum. "Hello," she spoke as she brought her attention back to the phone. "Hi, Skye. It's Jace," Jace said. "Oh, hi. You alright?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to ask you if you want to go to the movies tonight." Skye smiled. "I'd love to."

"Awesome. I'll pick you up at six. Have a good day at college," Jace told her. "Thanks. Bye," Skye replied and hung up the phone. She shrugged her jacket on and shoved her mobile phone into her pocket before leaving her bedroom. She slipped out of the house and got into Trudy's awaiting car. "You, me and a movie tonight," she told Skye as she set off. "I can't, Trudy. I'm going to the cinema with Jace," Skye replied with a smug grin on her face. "Oh, you're going on a date."

"No," Skye shook her head, "We're just friends."

"Yeah and I hate Nathan's guts," Trudy replied sarcastically. Skye laughed just as Trudy pulled up in the college car park. The two of them got out of the car and walked towards the large building. "I think you and Jace would be cute together," Trudy commented. Skye ignored her as she went into the building and approached her locker. She unlocked it, shoved her bag inside and grabbed her history books.

"I'll see you later," Skye told Trudy as she shut her locker and walked off down the corridor. Trudy looked in the mirror on the door of her locker and saw Nathan walking along the corridor behind her. She grinned and shut her locker, turning around just in time to catch him. "Hey, it's Nathan, right?" she asked. Nathan raised an eyebrow at her then slowly nodded. "Listen, a few mates are going to the movies tonight. Wanna tag along?" she asked. Nathan shrugged. "Who's going?" he asked. "Jake, Fletch, Casey and Matt," she answered. "Okay. I guess I could hang with Fletch," he replied, scratching the back of his neck.

"Great. I'll see you tonight," Trudy replied, flashing him her signature smile before walking past him towards her classroom.

Nathan dropped his arm and put his hand in his pocket while he walked to his classroom. He smiled when he saw Skye but she didn't return it. Instead, she rolled her eyes and sighed, disappointed that he'd turned up to class. Nathan sat down beside her and watched her carefully. Skye fiddled with her hair and chewed her lip. "You know, when you play with your hair it means you like someone's attention," Nathan commented, his usual smug smirk on his face.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you that it's rude to stare," Skye shot back, trying to ignore his comment and tucked her hair behind her ear. "She did but she told me a lot of things that I didn't listen to." Skye frowned and turned to look at him. "Nathan, yo-" Skye started. "I like the way you say my name," he interrupted and she glared at him. "It sounds better coming from a British girl," he added.

"Right, you've got all of the girls in college and God knows where else trying to get your attention but instead, you're trying to talk to me, someone who doesn't want your attention," Skye pointed out. Nathan grinned. "What are you doing tonight?" he asked her, not responded to her comment. "I'm busy."

"Doing what?" he questioned. "I'm going out."

"With?" he pressed. "Someone."

"Jace?" Nathan asked and his jaw clenched. "What's it got to do with you?" Skye snapped. Nathan, once again, ignored her question and turned to face the front of the classroom.

For the next hour, the two of them didn't say a word to each other. Skye was relieved when the bell rang and she quickly picked up her books and exited the classroom.


"You look lovely," Skye's mum told her as she came down the stairs. "Thanks, Mum," she kissed her cheek then said, "I'll see you later." Skye walked out of the house and down the porch stairs just as Jace pulled up. He got out of the car and opened the passenger door for her. "You look amazing," he told her. "Thanks, Jace," she replied, blushing a little. She got into the car and Jace did the same.

"So what are we seeing tonight?" Skye asked as Jace started the car. "City Of Bones," he answered. "Oh, I read the book. I bet the film's great," she said and Jace grinned. "Great. Well, everything's on me tonight so just ask if you want anything."

"You don't have to do that. I can pay for myself," Skye told him. "No, I insist." Skye smiled as he pulled up outside the cinema. The two of them got out of the car and walked towards the main entrance.

"It's really nice of you to take me out," Skye commented as Jace bought the tickets. "No problem, Skye. Maybe we could do it more often," he replied and Skye nodded. "Sounds good," she replied as the two of them walked towards the screen room they were in.

Once they had found their seats they looked around. The room was pretty empty so they were almost alone. "How was college?" Jace asked Skye. "Alright, I guess."

"You guess?"

"Yeah, it's just that Nathan was being a dick," she said. "He sounds like an ass. I mean, he wasn't exactly charming at that party the other night," Jace replied.

"Oh God," Skye almost whispered. "What?" Jace questioned. "He's here." Jace looked over at the entrance to see Nathan, Trudy and four others entering the room. "Isn't that your friend, Trudy?" Jace asked. Skye looked over at the group and frowned. "Yes. But the way she's going she won't be my friend for much longer."

"Just ignore them," Jace told her just as Trudy spotted Skye and whispered to Nathan. Nathan looked over at them and frowned slightly. Unfortunately, the group sat behind Jace and Skye. "Hey, Skye," Trudy whispered but Skye ignored her.

Half way through the movie, Jace put his arm around Skye but someone kicked the back of his chair so he moved it back. Instead, he held Skye's hand. She didn't think much of it. She was too involved in the movie to care.

When the credits started to roll, the two of them stood up and exited the room still hand in hand. "Skye!" Trudy shouted. Skye stopped and turned to look at her. Her face dropped as she saw who Trudy was with. Skye's ex-boyfriend, Casey was stood beside Trudy and Nathan with three other people she didn't know. Casey grinned at Skye and she took a step back. And to make matters worse, Nathan was glaring at Jace.

"Casey, what are you doing here?" Skye finally asked. "I came to the movies with my friends."

"I can't believe you. Why can't you just leave me alone? I thought you'd left for good and I'd never have to see you again."

"Babe, I'm just living my life." Skye shook her head and squeezed Jace's hand a little tighter. "I don't want you anywhere near me. I never want to see you again," Skye told her ex-boyfriend. "Oh, Skye-boo. I've missed you though," Casey teased. "Don't you dare call me that!" Skye shouted and released Jace's hand. Trudy felt ridiculously guilty as she realised how much Skye was actually hurting. Casey had ruined her life and she was just getting it back on track. Skye still loved him but Casey clearly didn't feel the same.

"What's going on?" Jace asked. "We're leaving," Skye replied and turned around. Jace didn't move so she walked out of the building without him. "Skye, wait!" Nathan shouted from behind her. She stopped in her tracks and turned to look at him. She had tears in her eyes and was finding it hard to stop them from falling.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "Why do you care?" she snapped. "Are you crying?" he questioned. Skye turned away from him and wiped her cheeks. "Skye, it's clear that you want to get out of here. Let me drive you home," Nathan offered. She turned back around, ready to see his usual smirk but saw that he was sincere. "Yeah. Thanks," she replied and followed him to his car.

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