Chapter Eleven

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Nathan took Skye's hand in his and kissed the back of it lightly."I love you," he whispered."I love you too," Skye said with a smile. She was so overwhelmingly happy that she finally felt love again. After Casey she thought she'd never find happiness again. He broke her. There was a knock at the door and Skye sighed, annoyed at the interruption, knowing who it would most likely be.

"I'll be right back," Nathan spoke and kissed Skye's cheek before walking out of the living room. He opened the front door to Max and Tom. "Alright, mate," Tom greeted as the two of them came into Nathan's flat.

"What do you want?" Nathan asked, his irritation at their unexpected arrival evident in his tone. Tom frowned and looked at Max. "Everything is sorted for you," Max said to Nathan. "Okay. When do I leave?" Nathan questioned, trying not to show any hint of emotion. "Next week."

"Next week?!" Nathan almost yelled. "Wednesday. I've sorted it all out with the college," Max replied. Nathan sighed heavily and rubbed the back of his neck. "What am I meant to tell Skye? 'I'm sorry but I'm leaving on Wednesday and you'll probably never see me again'," Nathan said, glaring at Max and Tom. "I'm sorry, Nathan. You'll work something out," Tom replied, giving him a sympathetic pat on his shoulder. Nathan nodded and sighed once again as the two of them left his flat.

Skye sat up as Nathan came back into the living room. "Who was that?" she asked. "Just Max and Tom," he answered as he sat down beside her. Skye smiled adoringly up at Nathan and he felt horribly guilty. He leaned towards her and kissed her lightly. Skye kissed him back passionately and he smiled against her lips. Nathan pulled Skye closer to him and deepened the kiss. He lightly trailed wet kisses along her jawline as she tangled her fingers in his hair.

"I love you," Skye breathed as Nathan removed her shirt. He began to make his way down her body, being careful not to move too quickly.

"Nathan," Skye whispered. He looked up at her and she pulled herself up so they were face to face. She then removed his t-shirt and ran her hands over his toned torso. While she was tracing patterns on his chest, Nathan lifted her chin so she was looking into his eyes. He kissed her lips softly but the kiss felt more urgent this time. Skye removed her jeans, discarding them on the floor before Nathan placed his hands on her hips. The feel of his long fingers on her hips made her skin tingle. She was so small compared to him. "You're so beautiful," Nathan whispered and kissed her lips again before removing his own jeans.

Once Nathan had carelessly thrown his jeans on the sofa, he laced their fingers together and led Skye into the bedroom. Nathan shut the door before turning to Skye and gripping hold of her body. He kissed her passionately and laid her down on the bed. "You're all mine," he whispered, kissing her once again.

Nathan lay beside Skye as she slept. She looked so peaceful. Her lips were curled into a half smile, meaning she was dreaming about something that made her happy. Nathan thoughts however, were racing around his head. He knew that he loved Skye. He had never been in love before and he felt this constant need to protect her. The last thing he wanted to do was leave her. But it was too late to back out now. He'd have to tell her sooner or later that she'd never see him again but he didn't know how. He didn't want to break her heart because he couldn't bear the thought of her feeling the way she did when Casey hurt her. Nathan just wanted to spend the few days he had left with her as happy ones. Truth was, he'd rather just leave without telling her but he knew that'd hurt her even more. She was so beautiful to him. She was so special. He definitely didn't deserve her but he had her. She was his, every last piece of her.

Skye's eyes fluttered open and she saw Nathan's green eyes watching her. "Hey," she whispered, her half smile growing into a full smile. Nathan returned the smile before asking, "Hey, beautiful. Breakfast?"

"Please," she replied, stretching out her arms. Nathan got out of bed and pulled on some boxers before leaving the bedroom. Skye looked up at the ceiling, still smiling to herself as she thought about the previous evening. It definitely topped the list of her favourite evenings. Nathan made her feel so special and protected when she was with him. She just wished he would tell her what was going on with his friends. But just being with him was enough for her, for now.

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