Chapter Thirteen

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Nathan glanced up at the blue sky. There were very few clouds in sight and on any other day he would have enjoyed the beautiful weather. But today wasn't a good day for him as he stood outside LAX. Skye smiled weakly as Nathan took her hands in his. This was it. This was the end.

"I don't want you to go," Skye told him as a tear rolled down her cheek. Nathan wiped it away and kissed her lightly on the lips. She loved the feeling of her lips on his; it made her skin tingle and her stomach flutter. "I love you, Skye. Thank you for everything," Nathan said, trying to keep his voice steady.

"I love you too," Skye almost whispered. "We can't be together anymore, Skye. You know that," Nathan stated. He was being horribly plain to cover up his own hurt. "I don't want to break up with you," Skye protested.

Nathan took a deep breath, trying his best to stay composed. "I know. I don't want this to be the end but it has to be, Princess. I'll never ever forget you. But please...try to forget me," he told Skye. "I can't just forget you, Nathan."

"You can. Just pretend that I never existed and I promise that everything will be okay. I might not be here to protect you but I'll be here," he pointed to her heart, "forever."

"Please don't go," Skye said as she let out a sob. Nathan wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back lightly.

"I'm so sorry, Skye. I wish I could turn back time and make sure we never happened. You didn't want to be with me and that should have been okay," Nathan explained as he let go of her. "No, I don't regret anything. I only regret not meeting you earlier," Skye told him. Nathan checked his watch and sighed, knowing his time was limited.

"I have to go," he almost whispered and she nodded. She placed a hand on his cheek and looked into his beautifully green eyes. "Look after yourself," she said then kissed him. It was a kiss that would stay with them both for a long time. Nathan was the first to pull away. "I love you," Skye told him as another tear fell down her cheek, "so much."

"I love you too, Princess," he replied and kissed her one last time before leaving her. Skye watched as Nathan went into the airport and out of sight. She couldn't move because she knew that if she did then he would really be gone. But this was real. Nathan had left her and he wasn't coming back.

"Skye, sweetheart," her mum spoke as she got out of the car. She walked over to her daughter and wrapped her arms around her. Skye cried as her mother held her while her whole world seemed to fall apart. "It's okay," her mum soothed. She managed to get her into the car and set off home. That was the best place for her at that moment.

"How about some ice cream, a cup of tea and a chick flick?" Skye's mum suggested as she drove the two of them home. Skye only nodded, unable to think about anything other than Nathan. That was the last time she'd ever see him and that hurt her so much.

Two days passed and Nathan hadn't returned. Skye didn't know why she expected him to. But she still waited because it was too hard for her to believe that he was really gone. Trudy had been round to the house to see if she was okay. But there was still no sign of Jace. She knew he would come to her eventually and try to take Nathan's place.

Skye picked up her phone and dialled Nathan's number like she did every so often just to hear the sound of his voicemail. "Hi, it's Nathan. Sorry, I'm busy at the moment. Please leave a message or whatever and I probably won't ring you back. K. Bye."

Skye let the phone slip out of her hand and into her lap. Her heart ached so much that she could almost physically feel it. She had barely moved since she'd arrived home from the airport. She was still sat on the sofa just waiting for something she knew wouldn't happen.

"Skye, there's someone here to see you!" her mother called. Skye didn't reply. She just stared out of the window. Jace entered the room and saw Skye curled up on the sofa. He frowned, knowing that this was all because of Nathan. He walked over to her and sat down. She didn't even look at him until he took her hand in his.

"Skye, it's okay," he said. She frowned at him and pulled her hand away. It certainly wasn't okay. "I know that you're hurting and I know that it's because of Nathan but I will make it okay, I promise you," Jace told her. Skye shook her head at him. "He would never hurt me intentionally. And you lied to me. I don't want you here," she replied. Jace sighed and placed his hand on her cheek. She pushed it away and stood up.

"Get out," she snapped. Jace stood up and looked into her eyes. "It's okay, Skye. I'll make everything okay. He's not here now. He can't hurt you," Jace spoke.

Skye's heart skipped a beat as her phone began to ring. The two of them looked down at it to see Nathan's caller ID flashing on the screen. Skye went to pick it up but Jace grabbed it before she could.

"Give it back!" she shouted desperately as she needed to hear Nathan's voice. Jace ran out of the room and shut the door between the two of them before answering the phone. Skye screamed and banged on the door as Jace held it shut. She was desperate to have some contact with Nathan. She wanted him so much that it hurt.

"Hello?" Jace spoke as he answered the phone. "Who is this?" Nathan asked. Jace smiled at the opportunity. "It's Skye's boyfriend." Nathan went quiet for a moment before he spoke again. "Tell Skye that I'm sorry," he said then the line went dead. Jace grinned at his success and released the door handle. Skye threw the door open and slammed into Jace causing him to stumble backwards.

"What did you say to him?! Why wouldn't you let me talk to him?! Is he okay?!" she demanded. "He's fine. He says that he's sorry," Jace answered calmly. "Sorry? For what? What did you tell him, Jace?" Skye interrogated him. Jace stayed silent.

"Tell me what you told him!" Skye yelled furiously as her mother ran into the hallway. "What the hell is going on?!" her mother asked. "I told him that you've got a new boyfriend and made it pretty clear that you are already over him," Jace told Skye with a grin on his face. Skye almost growled at him as she grabbed her phone, pushed past him and walked towards the door. She grabbed her coat and bag, knowing that it had everything she would need in it and pulled the door open.

"Where are you going?" her mother asked her. "To England."

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