Chapter Twenty Three

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"Get out of my flat," Tom growled. The man smirked at him and took another step towards the bedroom where Skye and Nathan were.

"Tom, just call the police," Kelsey spoke from behind him, trying to keep her voice from showing any signs of fear. "Yeah, Tom, just call the police," the man mocked her. "Shut it," Tom spat, his tone lethal.  "Now, now, let's not get nasty. All I want is Skye," the man replied, holding his hands up defensively. "You're not getting her."

"Really? Are you sure about that?" the man asked. Tom pounced on the man and dragged him out of the flat.

"You tell your boss that when I find him, I'll kill him," Tom snarled before slamming the door shut. Kelsey wrapped her arms around Tom's skinny frame and he kissed her forehead. "How did he even get in here?" she asked. "He had a key," Tom replied. "A key?" she questioned.

"Yes. They're smart and dangerous people. You can't tell Skye about this. I'll explain it to Nathan later when Skye's out of earshot," he explained and Kelsey nodded understandingly.

Two hours later, Skye and Nathan finally got out of bed. "I'm taking you shopping today," Kelsey told Skye. "Gre-" Skye began but was interrupted by Nathan, "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Nathan, I'll be fine. I'll have my phone and everything. Stop worrying about me so much," she replied a little annoyed. He frowned but didn't say anything more on the matter. "Great. We'll leave in half an hour," Kelsey told her and she smiled.

The four of them sat in the living room and chatted for a while. Nathan didn't like Skye going out with just Kelsey at all and kept trying to convince Skye to let one of the guys go with her. But Skye's stubborn nature wouldn't allow it.

"I'll be fine," Skye reassured Nathan as she put her phone in her pocket and went to follow Kelsey out of the door. Nathan grabbed her wrist and spun her round. "Be careful, Skye," he told her and kissed her. "I will be," she replied before he released her arm and she left the flat.

Nathan sighed and sat down on the sofa. He was ridiculously anxious. "Kelsey's more kick ass than you think, Nath," Tom spoke and Nathan frowned slightly. "If she gets hurt I will never forgive myself," Nathan told him. "I know, mate. But she'll be fine. She's a strong girl."

Kelsey and Skye went into River Island and started flicking through various clothing racks. "Kels?" Skye spoke. "Mmm."

"Do you think I'm actually in danger? Or do you think Nathan's being a bit overprotective?" Skye asked. Kelsey stopped looking at clothes and made eye contact with Skye. "Hmm, I don't know too much on the matter but I do know that the people who are after Nathan are very dangerous. They want to cause him as much pain as they can. That's why they caused his parents' accident," she explained. Skye pondered on Kelsey's explanation for a moment before picking out a dress from the rack in front of her.

"Ready for the dressing rooms?" Kelsey asked and Skye nodded. The two of them walked over to the young, well dressed man outside the women's dressing rooms and he smiled. "How many items?" he asked. "Two," Kelsey replied. "Just the one," Skye answered.

The man smiled once again and passed them their tokens before they went into the dressing rooms. Kelsey and Skye walked to the very end of the dressing rooms before going into two of them. Skye looked back at where she had walked and caught the man watching her before he quickly turned away. Skye frowned but shook off his actions. She wouldn't let herself get paranoid.

"Are you nearly done?" Kelsey asked. "Not quite but come inside my dressing room and I'll tell you what I think," Skye replied. Kelsey did as Skye had said and shut the curtain behind her. "Oh, Kels, that's beautiful," Skye told her as she looked at the light purple dress Kelsey was wearing. "You think so?"

"Yes! It looks incredible on you."

"Thanks, Babe," she grinned before going back into her own dressing room. Skye pulled the zip up on the back of her dress and looked in the mirror. It clung to her small and skinny frame but the colour of the dress was immaculate. She smiled at her reflection before realising the curtain was slightly open and someone was stood in the gap. It was the man who had given them their numbers for the dressing room. "" she started but he grabbed hold of her and placed a hand over her mouth. "Breathe a word and I'll kill you," he said and dragged her out of the dressing rooms and handed her over to another man who was wearing all black.

"Now here's what's going to happen, Love. You're going to walk out of the shop with me and get into my van outside. If you scream or you don't do as you're asked, I'll make sure your friend doesn't make it out of the shop alive," he explained to her. Skye's heart sank as she realised that Nathan had been right about the amount of danger she was in. The man gripped her arm tightly and steered her towards the exit.

Kelsey's face flashed on Nathan's phone screen as it vibrated on the coffee table. He grabbed hold of it and answered it as quickly as possible. "What's up?" he spoke worriedly. "Nathan! Oh my god. I'm so sorry. They've taken Skye," Kelsey rushed. "What?! Kelsey! Did you see the guy who took her?"

"No. I'm so sorry, Nathan. This is all my fault," she replied. "You're right. This is all your fault!" he shouted into the phone and Tom frowned. "Who is it?" Tom asked. "Your girlfriend," he spat and hung up the phone, "Skye has been taken. They found her."

"It's not Kelsey's fault!" Tom replied and took his own phone out of his pocket. He dialled Kelsey's number and she answered immediately. "Babe, come back to the flat. We'll sort this out. It's not your fault," he reassured her.

Nathan's phone started ringing and the caller ID was unknown. His heart skipped a beat before he answered it and put it on loudspeaker so Tom could hear. Tom had ended the call with Kelsey and was looking at Nathan's phone.

"You bastard!" Nathan spat, knowing exactly who it was. "Ah, Nathan. So lovely to hear from you," the voice spoke. "Where is she?!" he growled angrily. "How about, how are you, Jonathon? Good to hear your voice, Jonathon."

"If you've touched a hair on her head I'll kill you, I swear."

"Don't worry. Your precious Skye is in good hands. She's a lovely little lass, isn't she? Nice body, nice eyes, smoking hot legs. I might have to have a taste of her."

"Don't you dare fucking touch her!" Nathan yelled desperately. "I might consider letting her live if you do something for me," Jonathon spoke. "What?!" Nathan snapped. "Come to the old warehouse, you know the one. Skye and I will see you there and we can have a nice talk over tea and biscuits."

"Listen, you sarcastic prick! If she is so much as bruised, I will personally make sure you never see the light of day again. I'll be at your warehouse in ten minutes," Nathan threatened. "Oh, wait, Skye wants to talk to you," Jonathon spoke. There was silence before quiet sobs could be heard. "Skye, honey, Nathan's on the phone," Jonathon said. "Nathan! Please help me," Skye sobbed. "Princess, it's okay. Has he hurt you?"


"Okay, Skye. Just sit tight. I'll be there soon, I promise. When I get you out of there, you and me are going to go away somewhere. And I'll make sure no one ever hurts you again. We'll never have to look back. It's going to be okay, Princess," Nathan explained, knowing that Jonathon had every intention of killing Skye. He needed her to feel like there was some hope.

"Aw, isn't that sweet. Young love," Jonathon spoke. "I'll be there as soon as possible," Nathan spat before hanging up the phone.

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