Chapter Thirty Two

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A/N: This chapter is rated 15+ so if you're small minded then I suggest you skip this chapter.

For the past few days Nathan had treated Skye like an angel. It was his way of showing her that he was so much better than Tom. She found it overwhelming but sweet. Nathan Sykes was a terrible cook.

The taxi pulled up outside the villa and Skye paid the driver before getting out of the car. She waited until the driver had gone before walking up to the front door.

When she entered the villa she was greeted by a warm glow and some quiet music. She put the shopping bags on the table and looked around the candlelit room. "Nath?" she called. She heard the graceful playing of a piano and walked out to the poolside. Skye was speechless. She had never heard or seen anything so beautiful.

"I never even knew you could play," she said as he stood up from the piano. "Yeah, but don't tell anyone. It would damage my reputation," he replied and Skye giggled. He took Skye's hand and pulled her back inside the villa. He shut the doors and turned to look at her. Something dark had settled in his eyes.

"I don't think I've seen anything or anyone as captivating as you," he told her as he kissed the back of her hand like a gentleman. He smiled and kissed her lips. Skye sat down on the sofa as instructed by Nathan and he lined her jaw with soft kisses. She let his scent take over her senses while his soft hands grazed over her skin. He left wet kisses down her arm as he unfastened the bikini top she had been wearing all afternoon. He slid it away from her body and discarded it on the floor. Skye rolled her head back into the cushion behind her as Nathan rubbed her nipples between his fingers making them erect. Her lips parted as he left a trail of kisses from her breasts to her hips.

"Take off your shorts," Nathan told her. Skye stood up and unbuttoned her shorts before sliding them off. Nathan held out his hand and she was quick to take it.

When in the bedroom, Nathan told her to stand still. He pressed his lips to hers and she almost smiled into the kiss. He pulled away and moved down to her hips. Skye watched as Nathan took one of the ties on her bikini between his teeth and pulled. He did the same with the other tie before taking the material in his hand and throwing it aside.

"Just're all mine. No one can take you away," Nathan whispered.

The words tingled the hair on the back of her neck, standing upright and at attention. She kept quiet, focusing her eyes on the floor and not him. She knew it would upset him, and frankly, she felt like getting the rise out of his personality.

"Did you hear me?" he asked, pushing her long dark hair off of her shoulder as it loosely his her back. She nodded but didn't give him an audible response, still not good enough to satisfy.

"Y-yes," she responded shakily feeling him kiss her jaw. There was something very dark about him and it made Skye feel cold. He took her hand and led her over to the bed.

"Get onto the bed," he instructed. She did as she was told fearing Nathan's dark side. He removed his clothing and Skye kept her eyes away from him.

"Sit up," he told her. She did just that as he sat down on the other side of the bed. She wouldn't look at him knowing it would annoy him. He placed his hand on her cheek and turned her face to look at him but she still kept her eyes fixed on something else.

"Look at me," he said. She ignored him.

"Skye," he persisted. She gave in and looked into his dark eyes.

"Tell me you love me," he spoke. Skye stayed silent for a moment.

"I love you," she almost whispered.

"Say there's no one else," he instructed.

"There's only you," she replied.

"Say you belong to me," he told her.

"I-I belong to you, Nathan," she responded. Nathan leaned towards her and kissed her.

"I'm so much better than him," he whispered before gently pushing her onto her back. He looked over her naked body making her feel extremely self conscious. His eyes stopped at her crotch and she winced as his fingers touched the mark beside her left hip.

"Where did you get this?" he asked frowning slightly. She didn't respond as the scene replayed in her mind.

"Skye?" he questioned as he looked down at her pained expression.

"J-Jace," she stuttered. Nathan's eyes flicked back to the scar and he looked almost like he was in pain. He bent down and kissed the scar a couple times before looking at her face again.

"I promise he'll never hurt you again," Nathan said.

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