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AN: I would like to thank everyone for the beautiful comment! I am sorry I cannot reply to them all but they are rolling in demanding more content. So content you get! Lots of love and thanks!

Hat: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/10/fa/be/10fabe4dfe51b2fe954bc616b15a6c08.jpg

Dress: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f2/16/61/f21661eb6e97044d401710d85906e70e.jpg 

Shoes: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b7/e9/66/b7e9665e4a97d274b94406ef2b147889.jpg

Lilly POV

Right after getting Roman to agree to help me I had gone to the salon. Now my hair was almost completely black. The tips were a mixture of lime green and a darker blue. I had gone for a more professional but still unique look. My Victorian style black hat was covered in feathers and flowers of the same color. My Victorian style dress was a white blouse with a high waist black skirt with eight buttons in two rows of four on the middle. A black bow was tied around my neck. I wore plain black ankle boots. I clutched the box of evidence to my chest. Roman looked at my from the driver's seat and I sent him a reassuring glance. I was going to do this. I threw open the door and got out, walking up to the large building. A man sat at the receptionist desk.

"Hello," I said in a small voice. He looked up at me. The guy was hot. He looked Italian with wavy hair and dark soulful eyes.

"Hello," he answered, his eyes flicking over me. "I'm Gregory Romerez. How may I help you?"

"I'm Lillian. We talked on the phone."

"We did. May I ask...?" He trailed off, looking at Roman.

"For my own protection. It will be clear soon."

"Very well. Right this way ma'am and sir."

We followed him down the hall and into a large room. The person who walked in next was a woman. She wore a beautiful black and grey pinstripe suit. Her red hair was effortless and she sat at the other end of the table.

"I am Cynthia Grey," the woman said, reaching across the table for my hand.

"Hello." I greeted taking it. "My name is Lillian Ray. I was once engaged to one of your employees. I want to show you something before I reveal who."

I picked up the box and spread the pictures and transcripts out before her. I clutched the recorder in my hand as she looked through them. She paused on the pictures of blood and took her time reading the transcripts.

"Miss Lilly," she sighed. "This is very serious. How long?"

"We were together for about five years. We were engaged for out two. This didn't start until about when we got engaged."

"How did you get out?"

"My best friend, Eric Arndt, stopped him. He came to my house unbeknownst, as he has millions of times to find me trapped by him and got him to leave. He returned into my life about a week ago to spread rumors and ruin both my and my friend's life."

"Trent Grogan?" I nodded. "We have gotten complaints from victims about him before."

"This is why."

"Thank you." She pressed a button. "Gregory. Send in Trent Grogan."

"Yes ma'am," came an electronic voice. The speaker cut off and we sat in silence for a few moments.

"May I ask why this man is here?"

"I trust him. I do not trust Trent. Roman has a beautiful wife and daughter he loves very much. I can see it in his eyes. I trust him to protect me." Roman set a hand on my shoulder and I didn't flinch. I did however when he walked in. Trent paused upon seeing me. He looked at his boss and moved slowly forward.

"Trent Grogan," She all but hissed. "We have sufficient evidence to decide that you are not suitable for our business. I would say I am sorry but I am honestly not. You have until tomorrow to get everything out of your desk. You are hereby fired."

Best Female Friend (an Enzo Amore x OC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now