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Sorry about the shortness of this chapter but it is necessary. 

Enzo POV

I walked backstage after the match. Cass and I worked together and won but it was a struggled. Finn Balor began to walk past me until he stopped, backtracking to me. He clapped me on the shoulder.

"Congratulations," He said.

"On what? The match?" I asked.

His face went confused. "What? No. I knew you would win that. I meant with the abuse thing. Didn't you see the article?"

"What? No."

"Here read this! I will come get my phone after the match." I nodded at him before sitting on a nearby black box and reading.

'Latest on the Enzo Amore, WWE NXT Rookie, abuse scandal'

'The latest news on this scandal which came to light less than a week ago, was that it was a hoax. Respected member of the Abuse Hotline accused Mr. Amore of an abusive mindset and relationship. We have gotten reports of backlash on Trent Grogan about his accusation. They come from an unexpected source though. Accusations of abuse have now shifted to Mr. Grogan upon his ex-fiancé Lillian Ray stepping forward with images, transcript, and audio proof.'

Pictures of Lilly with bruises and cuts were shown. I rubbed my eyes before going on to read more. 'Lillian Ray had dated Trent for five year, engaged for two of those five. During which time Trent had abused her physically and mentally. Reports say that she got out of the venomous relationship because Eric Arndt, the formerly accused Enzo Amore, quote on quote 'saved her.' The owner of said company said 'This news was unexpected to us but we found that there were many problems brought to us from victims who worked with Mr. Grogan. Either way we wish to extend our sincerest apologies to Mr. Arndt and Miss Lillian Ray.' Stephanie McMahon herself commented 'We accept the apology from Mrs. Grey and have never doubted our wrestler Mr. Arndt.''

I clutched the phone, turning it off before shoving it in my pocket. I stayed where I was waiting for Balor to finish his match. I drifted into thought as I waited. Images of her flashing before my eyes. I saw her lying next to me just a few night before. I saw her sobbing and clinging to me after I had scared away Trent. I saw her when I kissed her the first time and the second.

Images of her kissing Cass flashed in my mind. I saw her anger from a few days ago. I replayed her fight with Rosanna. Pictures she had sent me of her making funny faces or with her cat, or both, flashed in my head. I saw pictures I had taken of her. I put my elbows on my knees and placed my face in my hands. A few moments of torture passed before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and silently handed Balor his phone.

I hopped off the box and rushed through the building, finding Lilly in a room with the Akiyama clan and some of the Main Roster women. I paused upon hearing what she said and my eyes widened. What in the...?

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