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Chapter 1

I gazed at the sky, the sun peeking through the clouds and gleaming down on us, and warming up my legs which were stretched out flat on the grass that Friday afternoon.

My classes for the day were over, as was Calum's, so we'd decided to head on to the field for a spot of sunbathing. He had earphones in and was listening to music, whilst I had a book in my hands. The words I read however, would enter my eyes and go straight out my brain - for some reason, I couldn't concentrate. Maybe it was the sun?

I threw the book onto the ground and wriggled my nose. Calum noticed and sat up, looking my way. "What's up buddy?"

"Nothing. I don't know. I can't read this book anymore."

He picked it up and glanced briefly at the title, before putting it back down distastefully. "Urgh. Why are you reading Jane Austen?"

"I don't even know. It seemed interesting but I hadn't realised how hard the language would be."

He chuckled and took out an earphone, handing it to me. "Here, listen to this - it's your favourite, the Foo Fighters!" I grinned and put the earbud in, letting the riff of 'Saint Cecilia' fill my ears. My head began to subconsciously nod to the music, and it cheered me up. Fuck it - spending time with Calum at all cheered me up, especially because we hadn't hung out in a while due to his football practice. We still walked to school and back together, but it didn't feel the same.

"Hey, can I come to yours today?"

"Sure, why not?"

He smiled and stood up, making me crane my neck just so I could see his face. "Right meet me at the gate in five minutes - I need to go to the toilet real quick. Keep my phone with you, you seem to be enjoying the music."

I nodded as he ran down the field, and picked up his phone. His lock screen photo was me and him posing in front of the school in Year 7 - I was still fat, he was still thin as fuck, and we both looked like the biggest dorks in the whole school.

Just as I was about to arrive at the gates, someone tapped me on the shoulder. It was a girl in my class - now what was her name? Damn, I was so awful at names. I think it was Denise or something. Or maybe Dawn.

"Hi... Erm... You okay?"

She shuffled about nervously before handing me a little box of chocolate. "L-Luke, I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time, b-but basically um, I like you! A lot!"

She stopped there, looking at me intensely and hopefully, whilst I scrambled my mind for the name of this girl. "Oh. Oh okay - that's cool but I, I'm asexual and I don't like guys or girls so..."

"I know! Could you make an exception this time round? I didn't have the courage to ask you until today and I've liked you for months..."

I pursed my lips. "I'm sorry, I physically can't fall in love. I hope you find someone better."

She ran off in tears and I sighed. That was probably my 15th confession this term. Why did everyone like me? I made it so clear that I hated relationships and didn't like any gender, but they never got the message. Sure I was grateful that anyone liked me to begin with but this... This was just too much.

"Aw Luke, did you have to be so harsh?"

I turned to see Calum with his sunglasses on, ready to leave. "You saw that?"

"C'mon Luke. There are so many pretty girls after you and yet you always turn them away without giving them a chance."

I knew it was true. "You know I don't like dating." I didn't mean to sound mad or angry but I was quite frankly sick of being told to try dating when people knew that I wasn't up for it.

"Yeah, I do, all too well. But what, you're never gonna get married or have kids?"

"Have kids? Ha, in your dreams! If I ever have to take responsibility for a five year old I might just kill myself."

He shrugged. "Your loss. C'mon, let's get back to yours, I need to tell you stuff!"


We curled up on my bed, a bowl of snacks between us. Calum was choosing between a chocolate bar and a bag of dried fruit, and inevitably gave into the chocolate, opening the packet and biting into it.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked, breaking the comfortable silence with my loud voice. I picked up my phone and started idly playing a game of 2048, rather pointlessly.

He shifted to a more comfortable position and took my stuffed dinosaur, Rex, in his hands. "I... I wanted to ask for your advice." He paused whilst I put my phone down. I was having a good game as well. "Recently, I've been spending a lot of time with Ashton at football practice, and... well when we were in the changing rooms yesterday, I started feeling really weird, like all hot and clammy, and my heart was going mad when he took his shirt off. I think I like him, Luke."

I stared blankly back at him. "So go out with him. To be honest, I'm really not the best person to get advice from, you know that."

"Yeah, but you're still my best mate and I wanted to hear your thoughts on it before doing anything."

"Fair enough." I took a deep breath. "If you want my real thoughts, then..." I paused to sigh, before continuing. "You should go ahead and date him. Wait, check he likes guys first."

"That's the thing, Luke – I don't think he does."

"So, what do you want me to do about it?"

He hesitated. "Well I was thinking, youcould help me try stuff out. Like... kissing and stuff. So I'm ready for him." 


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Kimmy xx

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