Bonus Chapter 1: baby

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First bonus chapter! Enjoy :))

This is in Calum's POV btw 

Chapter 1: baby

7 years later

"Hey Cal?"

"Yes, Lukey?"

"I've been thinking recently. You want kids, don't you?"

I frowned but nodded. "We've talked about this. You don't want them so we won't have them."

"No, no... I think I've changed my mind."

My eyes lit up and immediately a grin stretched itself across my face as I hugged him. "Seriously?!"

"Yeah. I think I want kids."

Inside I was dying – throughout our teenage and college years, Luke never wanted children. Every time I brought it up he'd get moody and ignore me, so I gave up – it was awesome to see him change because children was the only thing I ever wanted as an adult. We got married two years ago but even then, the subject of children peeved him.

"Do you want them now?" I asked, holding our hands together in between our warm bodies, and wrapping my leg over his.

"Maybe once I've got my doctorate. And once I've landed a job as a university professor."

I beamed. That was Luke's dream. To teach English at university – as for myself, I was working at a football club down the road that trained young children who were really passionate about football.

"If it's you, you can probably achieve that in like, one year. You're crazy clever, and you know it."

"That's right, bitches. I'll win the interviewers over with my smile," he replied huskily, causing me to lean towards him like a magnet and plant a kiss on his lips. "I can't wait, Cal. Honestly. I don't know how we're gonna do it, but I want a kid that looks like us."

"We'll think of something, yeah? Let's just go to sleep. We both need to be up at seven tomorrow," I whispered, resting my head against his beating, unclothed chest, the little hairs brushing against my cheek.

"Goodnight Cal."

"Goodnight Lukey."


The next day, I met up with Mali-Koa for coffee before work. She'd been living in London for the past four years but had come back to try and find a job back home, because she missed our parents too much. I personally hadn't seen her in around seven months, so it was lovely to see the sister whose name I'd had tattooed on my arm.

"Calum! Oh it's been ages!" she shrieked when I entered the coffee shop, earning a couple of stares from random people dotted around.

"I know right? How have you been?"

"Good, good! A record label finally contacted me but when I said I was moving home, they cancelled it..."

I frowned. "That's dumb," I replied, shaking my head. "You're so talented, it won't take long for another one to reach out," I reassured, patting her arm as we sat down at the little table she'd been sitting at.

"So, how are things with you and Luke?"

I grinned. She'd always looked out for us, and was the most supportive sister anyone could ask for. "Awesome. We're thinking of having kids, but we're not sure how. Like, we could adopt but I think he wants to find a baby carrier or something," I replied, fiddling with my fingers and fixing my eye on her china cup as she drank out of it.

"Mm, that's interesting. Say, if you guys are serious, I don't mind carrying your baby."

My eyes grew wide as I heard this. "What? You're not joking are you?"

"Of course not!" she replied, chuckling. "I don't want my own kids but I'm happy to give birth to one for you guys. Besides, it'd make you two happy and I understand it's not the easiest thing to do. Adopting is expensive anyway; this is, in my opinion, the best choice for you."

I stood up and clapped my hands excitedly, giving her a long hug. "Oh my God, I can't believe this... you mean it?"

"Yeah! I do have a few conditions though – you guys need to look after me when I'm pregnant and buy me food, and Luke doesn't actually penetrate me because ew, penis."

I sniggered. "I don't think I'd let him. He's mine, and he's very loyal I'll have you know."

"Sure, sure... but yeah. Let's see what mum and dad think before we actually go through with it. We'll also need to find an obstetrician to help us do everything. This is a good start though!"

The whole time, I just couldn't wait to tell Luke the good news. To think that my own sister would do such a massive favour for us... also, it would look like both Luke and myself – and I knew he'd like that.


"She actually agreed to that?" Luke repeated for the third time, staring at me with raised eyebrows and parted lips whilst he was sitting on the sofa writing an essay.

"Yeah, she did! Isn't this exciting?"

He finally understood and put down his pen, leaping into my arms. "Wow, honestly she is amazing!"

"I guess you could say it runs in the Hood blood," I teased, earning myself a light slap on my arm.

"I can't thank her enough... hey, invite her round for dinner, yeah?" He took my hands and ran his thumb over my wedding ring. We were finally going to start a family of our own and I couldn't be more happy about it.

1 year later

"Luke! Luke, hurry, go to the hospital – Mali's just given birth to our baby!" I shouted down the phone, running down our apartment steps and waving down a taxi with my free hand.

Twenty minutes later I was in the hospital ward, beaming at Mali who looked absolutely exhausted, holding a little baby in a white towel in her arms. "Look at him – he's so cute," she said hoarsely, her hand stroking his cheek. I hurried over and held him, realising he had Luke's amazing blue eyes and my thick lips. His head had little damp tufts of blonde covering it.

Luke turned up soon after and came over, putting one arm around me and using the other to help me hold the baby. "He's beautiful," he commented with a fatherly smile. I pecked his cheek. "So what do we name him?"

"Cake!" I suggested. He shot me a death glare.

"Calum, we are not calling our son cake."

Mali giggled. "How about naming it after dad?"

I raised an eyebrow. "David Hemmings? No, I don't think so."

"Wait, we're giving him my surname?" Luke asked, confused. Of course – we hadn't actually talked about it yet.

"Hmm... how about, we name this one after you and the next one after me?"

"We're having two?"

"Why not?"

Mali stopped us. "Hold up. You want me to go through another pregnancy?"

We shrugged.

"Okay but give me a few years. I need to lose this baby fat."

After a few minutes of admiration, I said, "Let's call him Thomas, after my middle name."

We all agreed that it was a decent name, and that Tom Hemmings sounded okay. I thanked God for giving us this opportunity and could hardly stay still at the thought of raising Tom through his childhood with the man of my dreams, Luke, by my side.


aaaaaah I feel all cutesy writing this XD I've never written a cake fic involving them having kids so it's nice to be able to do that :))

The next chapter will be named 'Toddler' - that pretty much gives away what it's about! There wasn't smut in this chapter but fret not, there will be soon ;))))

Vote+comment for virtual Tom Hemmings (think of that cake baby)

Kimmy xx

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