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Chapter 5

"Calum? Are you awake?"

Tentatively, I approached him and shook his shoulder lightly. He didn't respond but instead continued moaning, now beginning to thrash about, so I took action by sitting on top of his waist, trying to stop his movement.

His facial expression became more strained, whilst I became increasingly worried. Maybe he hadn't been lying about the nightmares – god, I was such an idiot for forcing him to watch a horror movie.

Then, all of a sudden, his eyes flickered open and darted around. When he saw that I was on top, he calmed down and let out a sigh of relief. "You okay?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I'm good. But... why do you have a rock in your pocket? It's digging into my tummy."

A rock...?


I jumped off and turned away, hoping the dark would hide the redness of my cheeks. "No, no it's no rock..." I murmured, watching him sit up. "The film ended. Wanna go up and sleep?"

"Gimme a sec... can you piggy back me? I'm exhausted."

"If I could give you a piggy back, I would've done that already, moron."


His eyes gleamed subtly, causing a heart palpitation, and I gave in, squatting down by the sofa whilst he climbed onto me. With difficulty I managed to stand, and we wobbled up the stairs, him literally hitting the ceiling due to our combined height.

We got to his room and I put him down on his bed, going over to the rug on the floor and taking his spare duvet out from his closet. I laid down, getting comfy, before his croaky tired voice spoke, "Can you cuddle me? I'm scared."


We woke up entangled in each other's limbs, his heavy leg halfway across my tummy and my arms wrapped around his neck. I was the first to rouse, yawning and checking the time. Eight am – yep, way too early considering the film ended at one. I tried going back to sleep, but Calum's light breathing on my neck inhibited that. Also, there appeared to be a wet patch where his mouth was, on my upper chest, near my shoulder.

I thought over what was going on.

Calum knew I was asexual. As far as he was aware, I'd been asexual all my life – but that wasn't the truth.

In fact, I only started telling everyone I was asexual when we started secondary school. Before that, I was nothing – not gay, not straight, just Luke Hemmings, the small chubby kid with two hunky older brothers.

Just as I'd reached that point in my memories, Calum started moving about, his leg travelling downwards to my crotch, staying put whilst his eyes flickered gently in the sunlight. I panicked. Was he going to wake up? Should I leave?

"Hmm... Luke, is that you?" he asked through closed eyes.

"Yeah. You could get off me, you know."

His eyes shot open and he gasped, pushing me away a bit. "Oh shit, I'm sorry..."

"It's fine," I muttered. I picked up my jeans that I'd taken off just before sleeping last night, and slipped them on. "I'm gonna head off – you should try and go back to sleep."

Downstairs, I bumped into Calum's mum, who offered me some breakfast. "Leaving already?"

"Yeah, I'm heading into town to get some stuff today."

"Is Calum not joining you?"

I suddenly hated myself for lying. "No, he is... I just need to head back and change and get ready..."

She smiled warmly and sipped her coffee whilst I bit into a buttered croissant. "Well, have a good time. Should I tell Calum to go to yours when he's awake?"

"Uh... yeah sure."

Mentally, I slapped myself for getting myself into such a mess and finished off my croissant before leaving the house. Outside, it was a bit chilly with a slight breeze, so I had to wrap my arms around my lightly-clothed body before I got back to mine.


Calum came round after lunch and we made our impromptu trip into town. "So what are you buying?"

"Dunno. Maybe some books. CDs. Get a coffee."

"You okay? You seem a bit off." We were talking down the high street, the sun having come out and decided to warm us up. "It isn't because of last night, is it?"

"N-no. I'm just... I dunno, my mind's elsewhere."

We entered the bookshop and he went over to the cartoon section whilst I hovered around the historical, arts and musical books near the back of the library where not many people were. I saw one that I'd been eyeing for a while and picked it up, reading the blurb and flicking through a few pages.

"Oh, Luke, you're here too?"

I glanced to my left and saw Ashton, wearing a tank and black jeans, almost identical to me with the only difference being that he had a beanie pulled over his hair whilst mine was pretty much still bed hair. "Hey. Calum's over by the cartoons, by the way."

"Yeah... I know. I already saw him." He leaned in a bit closer, making me feel somewhat nervous, and I closed the book, jerking away. "I have a question for you."

"Go on?"

"You're so hot, why are you asexual?"

Damn. I could feel him coming onto me, and I hated it. I kinda wanted to run away but my ego got the better of me. "My sexuality doesn't concern anyone else but myself. You don't need to know."

"Aw, but..." he began, hand beginning to stroke my forearm. "There are plenty of people out there digging you. You're basically self-advertising with that face – are you really not interested in any of them?"

"No. If I was, I wouldn't be asexual."

"I don't believe you."

"You don't have to. I don't care what you think."

He scoffed, coming closer yet again. "Please, Luke. You're not fooling anyone." His finger began to trace circles on my skin, making me even more uncomfortable and inside, I hoped that Calum would hurry up and find me and get me out of this mess. "That cute little kid... Calum... is he your boyfriend?"

"No." But I want him to be. Oh fuck, what was I thinking again?

He noticed the change in my expression and smirked. "Seems like you might have a thing for him."

"I don't. I don't have a thing for anyone."

"Oh yeah, just in case you were beginning to misunderstand, I don't like you. I like your friend, whatshisname, Michael."

Oh shit.



Also, apparently Luke keeps rocks in his pockets now ;))))

Woke up to all this Arzaylea drama. Would really like to indulge in some cake right now, but it was awesome to see Calum sticking up for Luke! 

Vote+comment for virtual cake hugs

Kimmy xx

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