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Chapter 20

Michael and Ashton had grabbed themselves some last minute tickets for the Foo Fighters concert (despite the show supposedly being sold out) and so we all headed to Calum's place beforehand to have dinner and get ready.

"Do you have our tickets?" Calum asked, and I mentally cussed when I realised I'd left them in my table drawer at home.

"Fuck. I left them at home."

He chuckled, checking the living room clock. "We still have time, why don't you hurry down and get it before the pizza guy comes?"

"Yeah, I'll do that. If the pizza comes before I do, don't wait, yeah?" I yelled, already outside. How could I be such an idiot? Leaving the tickets at home the day of the concert? Real clever.

I sprinted madly down the street, almost crashing into a mother and her pram – but was saved by a blonde haired guy.


Goddammit, he was in front of me again... why couldn't he just disappear?

I dodged to the left in attempt to continue walking, but he grabbed my arm. "Why so cold, Lucas? I haven't seen you in weeks," he said in a fake soft tone. "I miss you."

"Fuck off. I'm in a rush."

He used force to pull me in, so that our fronts were touching. I struggled in vain to get out of his grasp but he was just too strong. "How about you and I try something?" Now, where did I recognise that sentence from?

"Now really isn't the time Lloyd. I need to go somewhere."

"Aw, c'mon. It won't take long?" he said, even softer, his free hand cradling my cheek. For a moment I faltered, and almost gave in to his lulling tone. He saw this, and took the opportunity to kiss me.

I fought, I almost kicked him in the crotch again for heaven's sake, but he just wouldn't let go. He disgustingly shoved his tongue into my mouth and I felt like retching. Instead, tears swam out of my scrunched eyes onto my cheekbones, forcing their way into my mouth leaving a salty taste behind.

My muscles weakened and I stopped resisting. I didn't move at all, letting him do all the work – until, all of a sudden, his lips detached themselves from mine and a punch was heard.

I briskly opened my eyes and saw Calum on top of Lloyd on the pavement, his fist having just landed a punch on his face. "You fucking mess with Luke again and I'll punch you rotten!" he spat. I was mildly taken aback, partly because I'd never seen Calum like this before. Usually he was calm, shy, sensitive and quiet – not rash or angry.

Lloyd got up, pushing Calum off. He looked me in the eye. "This isn't over, Lucas," he growled, before walking off. I fell to my knees, the tears building up and blurring my vision.

"Luke, are you okay?" Calum asked, putting his arms around me. I didn't want to cry in front of him... I didn't want to cry in front of anyone but this time I couldn't help it. A few minutes later, he stood me up and gave my shoulders a firm squeeze. "Let's go back to yours and get those tickets, yeah?"

I nodded, wiping the last tear away with a sniff. "Sorry that you have to see me like this," I apologised, but he smacked my head.

"Don't apologise! It was that jerk's fault, not yours."

I grinned with an urge to cry again out of pure love for the guy.


"Well, this is it!" Michael declared as we stepped off the train and made our way through the station. The arena was just outside and we could already see hundreds of people lining up outside the doors waiting to go in.

Calum and Ashton were walking in front of us with their arms linked, whilst I was stuck behind with the crazy kitten who was going a bit wild. Like me, he was also a fan of the Foo Fighters and we'd bonded over favourite songs numerous times in the past.

Inside the arena, it was dark and already getting kinda hot; all the same, we joined the pit in front of the stage and found we weren't too far away. Plus, our heights gave us a massive advantages anyway.

The opening act came on, and the whole time, Ashton was basically whispering into Calum's ear and making him laugh, whilst Michael watched the guitarists play. In between acts he went to the bar with his fake ID and bought us drinks, but I didn't want any. He always got a bit drunk at shows, it was now part of the experience for him.

At last, Dave Grohl made his appearance in his full ruggedness, followed by his four other members and the intro to Everlong. Our heads all banged in sync to the drums, and I fully immersed myself in the experience that Calum had given me.

A few songs later, due to moshing nearby, Calum and I got separated from the other two. We could still see each other, but they were a few heads in front of us and there was no way we'd be able to push ourselves over. My favourite, The Pretender, came on and I shared a frantic fanboy moment with Calum.

"Keep you in the dark, you know they all pretend..." Dave sang, singing with so much energy and spirit he practically owned the stage. I sang along to the last part, before my eyes landed on the two idiot guys in front making out. Shit.

What if Calum saw?!

I turned but luckily, his eyes were shut as he enjoyed the song.

So I did the first and only thing that came to my mind that would stop him from looking at the love of his life kissing another man – kiss him.


Yessss Luke well done! Or is it well done? Who knows? Only me...

How is Calum going to react? I mean, he could kiss back, or he could shove him away in despair. Let's see *sits back in chair and cackles*

Favourite food? Mine is undoubtedly ICE CREAM! Why? Because it cheers me up better than my friends XD joke I like it because it (can) taste amazing! My friends and I always go for ice cream. Especially since it's so hot over here *fans self frantically* Actually it's beginning to get cold. I'm cold, I need a coat. And a Luke Hemmings to keep me warm........

Dedication today goes to TwentyOneCakes for all your votes! THANK YOU VERY MUCH you don't know how much it means! Thanks for taking time to tap/click that vote button ;D

Vote+comment for virtual 5sos cookie cutters

Kimmy xx

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