Bonus Chapter 5: reconciliation

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Sorry it's taken me so long! Enjoy the last bonus chapter :)))

Chapter 5: reconciliation

"It's not what it sounds like-"

"It's exactly what it sounds like!!" Tom yelled, making Luke come padding down in his slippers to see what the commotion was. I buried my face in my hands and sighed, shaking my head.

Luke came over to comfort me but I couldn't let him. "Tyler, you should leave," I said with a heavy heart, hoping no one would question it.

"Why?" Luke asked, unfortunately. Now all I could do was pray that Tom wouldn't say anything.

"Dad cheated on you with him!"

"No, I'm telling you that's not what happened!" I shrieked – but what hurt more than anything was the pained expression on Luke's face as he came to terms with what was going on.

His eyes darted between Tyler and myself, until he could look no longer and shut his eyes tight. "I can't believe what I'm hearing... I'm going out," he said dismissively, grabbing a jacket from the coat stand and slipping it on over his shirt, before leaving and slamming the door behind him.

"Tom, go up to your room," I ordered. "This isn't something for you to be concerned about. As for you Tyler..."

He held up his hands in innocence. "I didn't force you to come back with me."

"Yes, but did you need to make such a huge commotion about it today?" I said weakly, my chest in severe pain. "Honestly, what am I going to do now?"


Luke didn't come back for a few days. I tried my best to continue as normal but often ended up breaking down in tears at my stupidity – how on earth had I justified having sex with one of his students? How did I let Luke slip my mind that day?

"When's daddy coming home?" Abbie asked one day whilst having her supper. "I miss him." I watched idly as she swung her legs back and forth beneath the table – such an untainted youth about to find out something that would ruin the perfect image of her parents forever.

"Daddy's having a few issues at the moment, he just needs some time to clear his head."

Tom sent me a stony glare and picked at his pasta. "Yeah, cause you cheated."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Please Tom, stay out of it. It wasn't cheating. You don't even know the full story."

"Whatever," he spat, throwing his fork down on the table in frustration and storming upstairs. Abbie burst into tears, leaving me to calm her down the best I could but I ended up crying with her.

After she'd finished her meal, I threw away the uneaten stuff and grabbed my coat. I needed to speak to Michael and Ashton, I needed their advice more than anything right now. So I called Mali over, hopped into the car with a strained expression and drove down to their place, watching as the sun slowly fell down.

The drive seemed to take longer than usual, but when I arrived I headed to the front door and knocked three times, as I always did. However, I wasn't expecting Michael to open the door frantically and shoo me away.

"Now's not a good time-"

"Who is it?"

My heart stopped and sunk to the ground when I heard the all too familiar voice of my husband in the background, and I watched with pain as he opened the door a bit wider to see who it was.

"Luke!" I shouted, reaching towards him, tears brimming in my squinting eyes. At this point Ashton also arrived at the door with Carly who was in his arms, brushing her teeth. Immediately, they shoved Luke out and rammed the door shut.

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