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Chapter 2

"No way in hell am I going along with this!" I cried, leaping off the bed and grabbing a pillow in defence. He sighed, laughing.

"Relax. You don't even know what dating's like, so you won't realise! I just want to test stuff out on you first. You don't mind, right?"

Of course I minded. I didn't want my best friend shoving his tongue down my throat. Just the thought alone was enough to make me gag. "I do mind."

"Please. I haven't actually dated a guy yet since coming out despite having numerous crushes, so I want this one to work out."

"I can't help you. Go... go find someone else to experiment on. I can't even stand the thought of touching each other, let alone kissing. Ugh!" I shrieked, throwing the pillow on the floor. Of course I wanted to help him, because he was such a close friend and I wanted him to be happy, but I really couldn't. I wasn't physically able to. "I'm sorry. I really am."

He threw his hands up in frustration. "Well, if my best friend can't help me, no one can. Too bad. Calum fails at love, once again."

He stood up, picking up his bag, ready to leave, but I quickly grasped his arm. "Wait..." I sighed, as he hopefully turned his head around to look at me. "I suppose... I suppose I could try. But I can pull out whenever I want to. No commitments, okay? And as soon as you and this Ashton guy are dating, I'm out of the picture."

His eyes lit up in excitement, and I felt slightly better. "Thank you so much Lukey, this means more than you can imagine," he said softly, pulling me in for a hug. I was going to struggle out of his hold but gave in and let the poor boy hug me.


The next day at school, Calum showed me who Ashton was.

He was on the field playing a casual game with some mates – he had a cute smile with dimples, soft dark blonde locks and a Captain America tank top on that emphasised his muscles. I could see why Calum had a crush on him.

"Doesn't he look so fucking cute in that top?!" the seventeen-year-old loudly whispered, even though we were miles away from Ashton. I groaned in response, resting my head on his thigh and closing my eyes, lying down. "Should I go and join in? No, no that would be so creepy-"

"Just go, no one cares," I breathed, but he simply shook his head.

"I can't, he'll definitely think I'm weird."

"Right. Well, this is going to be so easy, isn't it..."

"Don't mock me, I'll bite your toe."

"Bitch. No one bites my toe."

"Wanna bet?"

I groaned again and sat up, being blinded by the sun. "Let's go inside. I feel like I'm getting burnt to a crisp right now," I whined, pulling him up. But he refused, saying he wanted to stay and watch Ashton, so I left by myself, searching for our other friend Mikey. Sure enough, I found him chatting to girls again.

"Michael, let's go," I said, dragging his arm.

"Call me!" he hollered at the girl before being completely taken away by me. "What the hell man, she was really hot!" he complained to me, struggling to get out of my grasp. I let him go, sighing.

"Stop going out with girls to hide your sexuality, for heaven's sake."

He went bright red. "How did you know?"

"Everyone fucking knows, you idiot. Those girls are only going out with you to have a gay best friend, anyway."

He pouted. "Liar. That girl right there definitely wanted me to fuck her."

"Please, don't be so graphic! Ugh," I replied in disgust. I didn't want to think of Michael having sex with a girl. I didn't want to think of anyone having sex with anyone. "Calum's love-struck, and I can't seem to talk him out of it," I explained, as we sat down on an empty bench.

"Oh, who is it this time?"

"Ashton, from his football team."

He nodded slowly, fingers tapping on his knee which was propped up on the other one. He almost looked a bit uneasy. "As far as I know, Ashton isn't into guys."

"We're both well aware of that, but you can't help who you fall in love with, can you?" I replied, sighing. I leant back, putting my hands behind my head and stretching them out with a yawn. "Whatever happens... I gotta stick by him and be there. You too, mind you."

"Yeah, I'll stay out of this one. I don't think it's going to end very well." He still looked a bit flustered from earlier.

I shrugged, biting my lip mindlessly. The bell finally rang, hanging heavily in the air for a few seconds before dissipating away into the atmosphere. Michael stood, waving goodbye, and I went to get Calum from the field.


"This one, or this one?"

I grumbled in response, shutting my eyes unable to deal with his shit anymore.

"Please Luke it's a simple question."

"If it's that simple, then make the decision yourself."

"You're so annoying. Just open your eyes for two seconds, please?"

Reluctantly, I forced them open and saw Calum right in front of me, making me jerk backwards. He was holding up two t-shirts on hangers that had awfully tacky quotes on them. "Oh they're so ugly – neither."

"That's so helpful, Luke." He threw the clothes on the ever-growing pile and jumped onto the bed where I was lying, bouncing around like some rabbit. "If none of those tops are okay, then can you pick one for me? Anything? Because I want to look decent tomorrow when I see him."

I got off the bed and went to his almost empty closet, but literally found nothing good. It wasn't that I didn't like his fashion sense, more that all his good clothes were either in the wash, or given by me when they got too small. Speaking of my clothes...

"Here, have mine," I concluded, starting to take off my top. It was a plain black top with a white Metallica logo on it – not my personal favourite, but it was fine for school. I chucked it at him, walking around shirtless for a while trying to find something relatively decent in Calum's discarded pile.

"Thanks Lukey!"


Why did him calling me that feel so good? I dismissed it, not needing such thoughts right now. "Ugh, none of these are gonna fit me," I said quietly.


That ended badly lol sorry no cliff(ord)hanger =P

Next chapter may or may not be better

Idk yet :)

Kimmy xx

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