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 I think I'm doing daily updates. This is weird for me.

Chapter 4

The little meeting (I refused to call it a double date) ended on a light note a few hours later, with Michael and Ashton walking in one direction and Calum and I in the other. He seemed pretty happy with how it went, walking with a bit of a bounce.

"That was so nice, wasn't it? Did you see the way his dimples would appear when he smiled? And how his hazel eyes twinkled in the restaurant light?"

Wanting to facepalm myself, I sucked through my teeth and forced a smile. "Yeah, you bloody romantic. It was lovely."

"You sound too sarcastic, at least try to be less obvious."

"Sarcastic is how I roll, bitch."

He sniggered, pressing his hands against his warm cheeks. "Hey, wanna sleep round tonight? It's Friday, and it's not too late. We could watch a film like we used to."

"Sure, that'd be nice. I'll just text my mum."

I got out my phone, finding that I had a few Facebook messages from girls in our class.

Skye Watson: hey wuu2

Olivia Webber: Hi Luke, I forgot my diary at school, do you know the maths homework?

Carly Mitchell: sorry to disturb u but what's ur snapchat

Renee Fisher: You doing anything this weekend?

I ignored them and carried on texting my mum. She replied quickly saying yes and I put the phone back in my pocket, making sure the vibrate was off so I wouldn't get a buzzing butt during the film.

Calum lived pretty close to me – only about two roads away, and also happened to be close to the pizza restaurant so we were back at his within ten minutes, before it got too dark. No one was at home, so we headed to the living room where there was more space to watch the film. Also, it was closer to the kitchen, so if we got hungry we could just go and grab a snack.

I lounged on the sofa whilst he put a film on, then got up when I saw that he was about to watch Finding Nemo for the hundredth time. "No Cal, we literally watch this every time I'm over!"

"It's a good film!" he argued, swatting my hand away as I tried to press the eject button on the DVD player.

"You are never going to grow up, c'mon let's watch something different-"

"Noooo I wanna watch Finding Nemo, the last time I watched it was weeks ago and I feel empty if I don't."

I threw my head back, stuffing my hands into my tight jean pockets. "Please, anything else but fucking Finding Nemo."

"Well, what do you suggest?"

I went through his DVD collection, finding only Disney or teenage romance films, and decided to check in his sister's collection, which was on the other side of the drawer. That was much better.

I picked out Insidious and showed it to him, watching him shake his head like some rabid dog. "No. No, no, no, please not horror movies, you know I get scared shitless whenever I watch them!"

"It's not even that scary," I persuaded, already halfway towards playing the movie. I wasn't in the mood for Finding Nemo, and hastily put it back in its case before Calum could do anything.

Then, to my surprise, he started sulking. His jawline became more defined, his eyebrows furrowed inwards, and his lips formed a small pout. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a good look on him.

"Aw, come on. Look, take this as practice – imagine I'm Ashton! What if he wants to watch a horror movie with you? He might disown you if he finds out you can't handle them."

He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow, then smiled. "Yeah, okay." Well, that was easy. "I'll go get us some ice cream."


"And yeeeep I'm so done, how the fuck can you think this isn't scary?!"

He put a cushion over his head, leaning towards me with his eyes shut whilst the red-faced demon made his appearance. I sighed. "Didn't I tell you to pretend I was Ashton?"

"It's so hard, you don't even understand. Fuck, I'm going to have nightmares all week."

Hesitantly, I put my arm around him, pulling him a bit closer so his head was against my beating chest. "It's gonna be fine. You won't have nightmares. And if you do, I'll beat them out of your dream and make you think of unicorns."

We watched till the end, and I was about to get up when I realised Calum had become a heavy lump resting on me, his arm clinging loosely around my waist. I checked his face, confirming that he was asleep, and exhaled quietly. He was a log, he wouldn't wake up even if I poured water on his face, so I could either try to fall asleep there, or carry him upstairs – but he wasn't light, especially with him being so tall, and I knew that I didn't have the muscle for it.

And all of a sudden, I grasped the left side of my chest, feeling the fast-paced heartbeats connect with my fingers. A pit of fire was growling in my stomach, too. What the hell was this?

Was my lazy-ass best friend, the one who couldn't even last through a horror movie, making me blush?

I quickly got rid of that thought, and took a few deep breaths, gently prising Calum off of me and letting his head rest against a cushion instead, propping his feet up on the other side of the sofa. Then, I headed to the downstairs toilet and looked at myself in the mirror.

My blonde hair had become messy from slouching, my eyes had become a dull blue instead of a bright one, and my palms were sweaty as hell. I wiped them on my jeans fixing my hair despite the fact that I was going to sleep, and went back out.

Calum was moaning.

And... and it majorly turned me on.


OOh Luke look at you ;) Starting to realise your feelings for Calum eh *wink wink*

Let me know what you're thinking so far!

Kimmy xx

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