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A/N about this week's updates at the end :))

Chapter 12

"I said, I'm busy this weekend," I said to the phone, hanging up before Michael had the chance to reply. A text came seconds later.

How can u be busy, ur asexual

That literally makes no sense.

People have families, you know?

Yh yh whatever. But cal really wants u to come. He noticed u been down recently

Wish I could come but can't. Sorry. Gotta go.

I quickly locked my phone and put it on silent, throwing it onto my bed and continuing my maths homework. It was Friday evening, and school had been uneventful as usual. Nothing much had changed, except Calum and I weren't really speaking much and if we did, it was just 'hi' or 'how are you doing'. He spent more time upstairs with Ashton and Michael, and I spent more time being me, reading, doing maths, and rejecting invitations from random girls to go on dates and parties.

A knock came. "Luke honey, Natalie and Lloyd are downstairs, can you come and say hi?"

No, because Lloyd is a motherfucking prick who ruins lives. "I guess," I replied instead, putting on a baseball cap to hide my face. As soon as mum saw, she took it off and threw it on the bed along with my phone.

"No hats in the house, you know that!" she shouted-whispered, pushing me forward and down the stairs. I could hear them speaking in the living room and suddenly my heart clenched, sending out stinging pains. It's fine. Just say hi and leave.

"Luke! Nice to see you again," Natalie chirped. She was sitting on the sofa with Lloyd, who had a smirk plastered on his face. I avoided his gaze and smiled at Natalie. "Thank you so much for offering to help us tomorrow, and for coming to dinner with us tonight! We know that you're getting busy these days with school, so we won't take up too much of your time."

Dinner, too? Wow mum, thanks for telling me. I looked at her, and she offered an apologetic smile in response. "You boys should catch up before we go!" she said. The last thing I wanted to do was catch up with that-

"Yeah, we should. Let's go to your room Lucas, let's have a chat like the good old days."

Him saying that gave me goosebumps and without waiting I headed up, leaving the door open for him very reluctantly. I went over to my desk and sat down, idly flicking through a book.

"So Lucas-"

"Don't call me that," I spat, rather sternly. I'd been putting up a façade for too long and it was degrading for me to hear him say 'Lucas'.

"Whoa now, it's just a pet name, jeez. You've grown up quite well, if I do say so myself."

"Haven't you changed at all?" I asked rhetorically as he walked over and sat down on my bed, which was to my right.

He shook his head with a curvy-lipped smile. "Nope. And neither have you. I bet you're still the same, horny ten year old who wanted nothing more than for me to-"

"Bring that up again and I'll kick you."

I mentally slapped myself for coming up with such a lame excuse – so lame he could hardly stop laughing. "Go on then! Kick me." I rolled my eyes and kept flicking. "So are you still gay? Do I still have a chance?" he said slyly, making me want to vomit. Goddammit he was so revolting.

"I'm asexual now."

He burst out laughing again, his dirty blonde curly hair falling into his green-brown eyes. "Holy fuck Lucas, you must feel spiritually enlightened or something. Asexual? Nah, you could never be asexual! You were literally the horniest kid around. Don't lie to me – just tell me if you're gay. I wouldn't be dickhead enough to do you anyway, you're a minor now. Can't cross the line."

"Since when overstepping lines ever stop you?" I was about to boil, but kept simmering for a while longer because I knew we'd be going out later and being with our mums would keep his awful mouth shut.

"That's very hypocritical of you, Lucas. You just told me not to bring it up and now you do. Honestly." He shook his head with a light-hearted sigh and I closed my eyes, hoping that time would hurry the fuck up because I was about to punch his guts if we were stuck in that room together any longer.

Saving the day once again (note the sarcasm), my mum called, "Luke, Lloyd, we're going now!" from downstairs and I no joke ran like the lightning down the stairs, grabbing my coat and slipping into a pair of black vans and jumping out the front door onto the paved stones.


When it came to eating, Natalie and mum were complete opposites – so instead of going to the usual healthy, ethical restaurant uptown, we went to a burger place instead. Dad didn't come because he was working late; and as for Jack and Ben, well they basically lived at their girlfriends' places they went there so much.

For the first twenty minutes, nothing really happened.

Then, Ashton and Calum entered. And since we were sitting right by the door, we made eye contact straight away. I turned my head, knowing now that I was facing Lloyd, but didn't care because it was easier to look at someone I hated.

A few minutes later, mum started addressing us. "You boys don't seem too friendly anymore! Is it because you haven't kept in touch?"

I opened my mouth to agree with her, but Lloyd put his left arm around me, pulling me in. "What are you on about Liz, Lucas and I are so close!" The mothers smiled at us, but Lloyd began doing something under the table.

His right hand was on my thigh and it was seriously uncomfortable. I wanted to push him off and kick him and punch his stupid jaw and step on his crotch, though the reminder that we were in a public place made sure I didn't do that. I stepped on his foot though, and he got the hint, thank God.

After dinner, the mums went on a walk since it was still warm out, leaving Lloyd with me. I told him to go home first, as I needed the toilet, but he waited goddammit.

We stepped out, the humid heat hitting us like a fast-moving train, and turned only to see Calum leaning against the brick wall of the restaurant, wind blowing through his hair, the sunset reflecting in his Ray Bans. He was hot.

"Lukey, wait up! Let's talk for a bit," he suggested, switching glances between Lloyd and myself.

"Who's this Lucas?" Lloyd asked. I nibbled on my lip. "Your boyfriend?"

Calum fidgeted about. "No. He's not my boyfriend. He's my best friend, and we're leaving."

"Wait, let me at least introduce myself!"

Please don't. Please, just say you're a friend...

"I'm Lloyd, Luke's ex-boyfriend."


Eeek! ex-bf you say? Do we believe him?

I love it when Calum calls Luke Lucas, but when Lloyd says it I want to choke him >:(

SO BASICALLY I'm going to be really busy this week, but I'll try to update as much as possible. That might only be one chapter of whatever story a day - I hope you guys are okay with that :) It will also be at random times. I usually update in the morning, so you could get a random update in the afternoon or evening. I know I don't need to update everyday, and you guys are probably fine waiting a couple days, but writing is my stress relief and I want to make you all happy too! Thanks for everything, getting this story to 150+ reads so soon is really awesome, I'm really grateful!

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Kimmy xx

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